Final vid (i promise!)

Publicado 2024-01-31
Firstly, I’m currently in the USA (in the gloriously sunny ‘Sunshine State’!) and the walls are paper thin where I’m staying so apologies for the door banging and other such noises!

Secondly, i'm finally taking a proper, total step back from all my 'public' work in mental health now. I've been doing it over a decade and it's taken a toll. I need to prioritise my wellbeing going forwards, as well as focus on other areas of my life.

Lastly, in this video, i forgot to mention from my scribbled notes that I am well aware I’m ‘self-obsessed’ as a few people have commented in the last year. In the words of John Lennon, “Part of me suspects that I'm a loser, and the other part of me thinks I'm God Almighty.” This is something I desperately want to work on. I need to let so much s**t go. Both in terms of what everyone thinks of me, but mostly my own self obsession, judgements, doubts etc. And to stop overthinking everything always argh!

Oh and the final thing I want to leave you with are the lyrics from one of my favourite Dusty Springfield songs, Goin’ Back:

'Let everyone debate the true reality,
I’d rather see the world the way it used to be.
A little bit of freedoms all we lack,
So catch me if you can…I’m goin back.'

It sums up the way I feel perfectly right now. It's such a f***ing divided, intolerant, harsh society to be part of at present. I seem to fit into this modern world less and less as time goes by. But I pray that we all find freedom, as well as peace and love, unconditionally :)). Jonny x x

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @mrjonnybenjamin
    Hello! Firstly, Happy Valentine’s Day! In the word of Bryant McGill, “Be the love you seek. Be the friend you seek. Be the lover you seek. Be the honesty you seek. Be the integrity you seek.” Secondly, I’m so deeply touched and thankful for your comments. Right now, I’m looking at the news in absolute horror. I’ve no doubt many of you are doing the same. It’s beyond comprehension. But your messages restore some of my faith in humanity. So huge thank you again. Lastly, I wanted to share some resources that have been helping me. Perhaps you could share yours underneath? I think it’s useful to see what helps to support us all.. Compassion Focussed Therapy (a good place to begin is Kristin Neff’s book on Self Compassion) Dr. Gabor Maté (anything by him! He's my hero!!) Insight Timer app (it’s free but you can pay for a fuller version) Made of Millions Foundation (awesome org based in the US) Jon Kabat-Zinn’s books (I started with the audiobook ‘Mindfulness for Beginners’ and it changed my life) Pema Chödrön's books (all of them!) Vex King’s books (Recently read ‘Good Vibes, Good Life’ and now beginning ‘The Greatest Self-Help Book Is The One Written By You’) PS I have loads more that come to me! I’m just back in Netherlands now and will update when I get a chance!!
  • @forensirob
    Hey, you may have already switched off notifications by now but wanted to say thank you for your work and honesty. Your activism and public speaking has been an inspiration and help. I wish you all the best in your creative endeavours and finding social comfort. 💖
  • @Grotomode
    Happy birthday! You're doing well to prioritize your mental health! I hope you are always well and happy! ☺ I remember you from way back 10+ years when I first started using YouTube and you along with channels like Depfox really helped pave the way for me to come to terms with my own struggles. So thank you and I wish you the best!
  • @PaulGoode-xb6eu
    I first found your channel ten years ago and u saved my life so many thanks and I owe u a lot
  • @lornapage5904
    Firstly, happy birthday. I am so thankful you are still here. (I also can't believe you're 37! I always thought you were younger, and you look great!) Jonny, when I became unwell at 18 with my mental health I stumbled across your 'failed by the NHS' documentary and to say it changed my life is an understatement. It lit a fire in me and has ultimately led to an entire career in mental health. You showed vulnerability I had never seen before. You showed courage I'd never seen before. You showed integrity I'd never seen before. You have been my hero since that day time. I followed your 'Find Mike' journey in real time and have shown that video hundreds of times in my role as a mental health trainer and chocked up every time. You have given over a decade of your life to others. It's wonderful you're now taking time for you. Don't underestimate the power that the traumatising online abuse and bullying you've experienced - I always think the word trolling downplays what it REALLY is. Meeting you and getting to work with you and your charity even in such a small capacity was one of my proudest achievements and greatest honours. Wherever life takes you next, I hope you find the peace you so deserve. Take care of yourself Jonny. You deserve nothing but good. I hope our paths cross again one day ❤ sending you all my love. Lorna P Xx
  • @rodatilla
    I will miss your videos greatly. Your body image video some years back was absolutely spot on perfection. All my best to you!! Much love and nothing but positive vibes to you.
  • @VeganVoyager
    Why tell them what they want to hear? You'd be better off pretending than to play into the hands of trolls. Ever thought about creating personal video diaries you don't publish? It's much better than spilling it all on YouTube. I was a mental health YouTuber for 7 years and I'm glad to be gone. Life offline is peaceful. Take care, Jonny
  • The most honest, powerful video I've ever seen. Jonny, your insight was part of my training in mental health both delivering training and as a volunteer with Shout. Your heart has always been huge for others despite the pain you were likely carrying. You are a legend to me and many. What amazing insight you have to recognise you must step back. Know there are many more voices that are positive for your teachings. They drown out the negative ones. Although minds will always highlight the negative. May you find the peace you absolutely deserve.
  • @Postcinct
    Hey Jonny. I just wanted to say that there was once a teenager that watched your 'Journey with schizoaffective disorder' video way back around 2013, and the experiences and sentiments you shared in that video did a lot to make that teenager feel seen and not so alone. That same teenager is commenting on this video today, as an adult, over a decade later. I've watched your videos a lot over the years, and I think—as I'm sure many tell you—you're a genuine orator with an inspiring story. I once read a book, 'The Legacy of Luna,' it's a biographical piece from a wonderful lady, Julia Butterfly Hill (a bit of a hippie herself, actually, if the name didn't make it obvious enough!), detailing how she engaged in a treesit, protesting the Pacific Lumber Company in the redwood forests of California back in the 90s. It's a short text with a great message, but ultimately, Julia's treesitting days began and ended within that decade. Julia herself has since become quite vocal that, even though the moral compass and drive to make a change in the world still exist within her, the Julia that sat in that tree all those years ago is a meaningfully different individual than the Julia that is speaking in the current day, and that it is no harm nor foul for somebody to move on, as it were. What I mean to say is that you can, and have done a lot of good for the world with your videos and mental health campaigning, but there exists no obligation for you to sustain that perception of self unto the horizon and beyond; you have nothing to apologize for when it comes to taking a rest, or stepping back altogether. You deserve your peace, and you deserve to feel better in and of yourself. Also, as a parting note. Definitely go for the tattoo; as the son of a tattoo artist, let me tell you, there's nothing that will make you feel more like the person that's in control of your own life than making that decision for the you that you want to be. I'm sure your family will come around after the initial shock! Thanks for everything.
  • @cde1968
    Yes, let me reiterate that I will miss your videos very much. You have provided a great service to lots of people. I hope you find peace and update us now and then about how you are doing. We care how you are and happy birthday.
  • @rablow1280
    Johnny Ive watched a few of your videos and you have helped me so much . I to have schizoaffective disorder and I can relate to your social anxiety I withdraw badly and I hadn’t left the house in 4 years. I hope you get start to feel better I wish you all the best .
  • Thank you for sharing and for your honesty. Thank you for the story of your life, it helps many that struggle with the same things you have.
  • @SN-XZ
    I found one of your videos saying you were coming off the medication just now. I noticed it was 8 years ago. Then I looked into your channel and wanted to know how you are doing now. Then I watched this latest video. I roughly knew your story. You may not see this comment. I still want to tell you: your mental health is always the most important thing to you. Take good care of yourself!
  • @dishydave1819
    so sorry to see you 'leave' Jonny. So much of your content has resonated with me over the years and the bigger picture is how much you have helped so many other people. But the bottom line is you started doing alll this to raise awareness after your own personal plight and you absolutely need to get your own personal health and peace right at the top of the agenda and keep it there. I actually hope this isn't your last video but that you are back making totally different content and able to give us all much better news about your own state not too far into the future. If you see this, which you may well not, I send you heartfelt thanks and much love. Take care and thankyou for all you have done.
  • Hi Jonny, I'm so thankful for you being you! I'm sorry to see you struggling. I really like how honest you are and how you didn't try to put on a persona for videos (I also really enjoy your voice and the way you talk!) I really wish for you to see how precious you are, to explore what you want to do (being creative and trying new things) and thanks for all the hard work you did! About the blushing: I didn't watch the video. Still I feel like it is okay to have a body that has reactions, it is also beautiful to have that body. I also struggle with shame, and it is scary not being in control what emotions you communicate or show (like when something shows on the face). There is nothing wrong with feeling things and them showing (is what I tell myself). We are allowed to be seen. I wish you a great time off youtube, sending imaginery flowers and hoping that you will soon get to see a birds nest (as they are pretty cute things to encounter and you seem to be very deserving of cute little things! cc:) Greetings Nicole
  • @freddyhoyt1849
    Happy birthday 🎈🎂🎊🎁🎉 you deserve to happy
  • @DJWhovian
    The focus needs to be you and no-one else. I hope things will go okay for you.
  • @nicolalewis1094
    Thank you for enriching our lives!!! Peace be with you!! ❤❤❤❤