See You In Philly HillaRigged Nevada Was The Last Straw

Published 2016-05-14

All Comments (21)
  • @LipstickOCD
    See you in Philly!!! I'm from Brooklyn and I'm PISSED!!!
  • @Captain-Cosmo
    For most people like me, their vote is their political power. I won't give away my political power to Hillary, a person of low morals, ethics, and trustworthiness. One way or another, Bernie -- and only Bernie -- will be getting my vote. #BernieOrBust #RevolututionOrBust #NeverHillary
  • @itsumo212
    See you there brother. Nevada was the last straw for me too. #BernieOrBust all the way!!! 🇺🇸👴
  • @emstrong9351
    Thanks for this. I will be in Philly either as a delegate for Bernie or as a supporter outside. Just a heads up though. The coin flip issue is wrong. There were more than six coin flips in the state. Bernie Sanders did win several coin flips they just were not all caught on video. When the "six coin flips" story is shared it can cast doubt on the other legitimate issues shared.
  • @kanonierable
    The US with all its faults and its positive sides used to take great pride in being the leader and defender of democratic nations and principles. Democracy is what made the strenght of the bond with its oldest and closest allies. Its ideals are why there is a brotherhood between someone from Germany, from Italy, from France or England and someone from the United States. We don't have that same feeling towards Brazil or Cuba no matter that they once were European colonies same as you. When we critizised America it was always because we saw you as our hero we care for you beeing the good guys and we always were willing to give you the benefit of the doubt that your intentions were righteous and quick to turn a blind eye to what could destroy this belief. When America looses the right to be called a democracy, it looses the thing that makes its strength and influence in the world much more than your military with all its nuclear bombs. If its lost then the consequences must be catastrophic in regard of international stability.When you fight for your right to vote, you fight for nothing less than world peace. I wish I could offer you more than words for support but be sure of one thing, the world sees you, you are the best that America stands for and the noble ideals of LIBERTE, EGALITE, FRATERNITE have never been shining in a brighter light than among the Americans that fight with you and Sanders. When was there ever a picture of all groups of your nation standing in unity like that? Isn't it the living triumph of the American spirit? That is at least what I see as an outsider and I can tell you it is an image of great beauty and inspiring hope more than anything I could think of. You have my highest respect and sympathy. This is anything but a lost cause as long as people will not give up to fight for it.
  • @cherylhoude1227
    Also, in CA, be aware that "Independent Party" is an extreme right party, not what you generally think of as independent; if you are not registered as dem you can still vote for Bernie, but you must be "unaffiliated". I believe Monday is the deadline to switch. Thank-you for another great video#
  • Geoff? Please leave a link where we can donate to your channel, did I miss it?
  • @RaiderJake
    see you in Philly! bought my airfare and campsite today!
  • @cap6tee9
    ok bro we will see you at philly...keep advertizing your plans on the inernet. so glad you have so much time to commit to burnie...
  • @weelgunny
    I'm starting to see a contested democrat convention emerging.
  • @Rockyj2
    YOU ROCK! Please post link where to stay in Philly as all nearby hotels aren't available that are by the Democratic Convention!