Why Ignoring A Man Is The SOLUTION when He's Distant?

Published 2023-03-09
Why Ignoring A Man Is The SOLUTION when He's Distant?

All Comments (21)
  • @Kristain473
    If a guy ignores you. He’s not interested. Move on. Do not allow him back in.
  • @kauigirl808
    You can't ignore anyone who is already distant. Simply focus on yourself, your goals.
  • @blessedam1210
    Don’t let them come back. Most of the time they return because their other situation didn’t work out.
  • @princellasmith7562
    Let me help y'all out. If a person ignores / ghosts you, do NOT allow them back into your personal circle. You CANNOT trust them. Take my word for it.
  • @apieceofmymind
    This is why so many women stay single because WHO HAS TIME FOR THIS SHIT!?
  • @mamaknow8056
    A guy doesn’t play with what he wants. When he plays, he’s playin you. Don’t want what doesn’t want you. Test this.
  • @aidaortiz7219
    Be mature, communicate efficiently, and then walk away. Nobody has time for games.
  • AS A MARRIED WOMAN!! When my husband is distant and “taking me for granted”. I join a class like yoga or a Church group. I start making plans with my girls.. and it totally works!!! He starts switching up, he wants to hang out more and join me in yoga. He totally realizes his behaviors and tries to be more present. this guys advice is Solid… Men are men. No matter single or not.
  • If a guy pulls away because he wants to maintain control….Run! Run Fast! Run Far! Don’t stop running! You do not want to be in a long term relationship with a man who will manipulate you for control!
  • A Confident Woman Always, Knows Her Self Worth. She Always, Knows When To Walk Away!! ❤❤
  • @jwalka534
    When he's on and off he's not interested...get another one..... ..
  • @faybury4428
    I actually learned this by accident, lol. I stop caring and start ignoring and distanting myself from certain people when I think I am being mistreated and taken advantage of. When you become silent and distant while enjoying your life, certain people will begin treating you with respect, especially when you stop accepting disrespect.
  • @SueSue-zl2qw
    Men whom behave childishly don’t deserve me, if he ignores me that’s a red flag for manipulation and is not worth my time
  • @bonnitahoy8252
    If someome ghosts you...walk away...leave the dead alone.
  • @Amberguymerhosking
    If a man wants you he will double text, he will travel across the world to spend time with you, he will invest in you. But you have to make him work for you. Don’t be available all the time x but when you are available be available then back off a bit get on with your stuff. Let him double text before you answer, let him miss your voice, let him miss your face, he will call if he misses your voice… don’t answer the first call. Call him back an hour or two later… you’re busy! Let him plan your date, let him chase you. It’s his proghtive xxx
  • My ex did this to me..... he didnt know im actual Casper's uncles 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂but seriously, he still trying to get me back....I dont play games, I move on.... Ladies, never pretend...give all the love you give others to yourself and watch your life transform....you deserve the love you gave....you are worthy🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 and whether you decide to give that man another chance or someone new, "remain giving yourself healthy love everyday" walk in your power always...
  • He was pulling away, I confronted him then asked him to delete my number. He reacted with anger, then pulled away a bit more so I blocked him. I know for sure that I have my power back, don't be careless ladies, be protective of your power and your mentality not his ignorance, not acceptable. If he doesn't come back with a better attitude and adult mentality then walk away, actually run away!
  • He started getting distant and scarce- so, after A great Valentines Day- I just Ghosted him- went completely silent- stopped responding- he went crazy, calling- texting- even sent nasty mean text- I did not respond- I know he was distracted with other women because I saw evidence in his apartment- I didn’t argue or say a word- just had a wonderful V-day & disappeared- I’m ✔️ done- whenever you have to figure them out & you feel like a burden or that he is just buying time- kick him to the curb on your terms & leave - ✌🏽
  • at this point, it's not even a matter of "trying" to force myself into ignoring this person and "acting" all distant. it's just an honest, natural response coming from me because i've run out of faith and energy to keep this toxic situation going. it's not even about playing "hard-to-get" when I've just naturally reached a point of indifference because of their actions (or lack thereof). in a very effed up and roundabout way, it's like they trained me to stop caring and now i legit couldn't even force myself to give a crap :-/ it's sad but its' true