Good Game. It's Just Not For Me

Published 2015-09-08
Have you ever said "It's a good game, but it's just not for me." That statement is important to how we look at games.

All Comments (2)
  • @Singular8ty
    First, thanks for the mention. Second, I do definitely believe there are some objective scales in video games. Even raw sales numbers are an objective scale. If sales are through the roof, they must have done something right. Should it influence a review rating. Probably not, but it is indeed an objective scale. I have also said the "it's not for me" thing on a lot. I really prefer single player experiences over multiplayer ones. Rogue-likes are great and so are really deep strategy games (not Civ, which is too much of a board game for me, it's good, but not for me) like EU or Vicky. Third, I want to touch on the politics a tad (meaning probably most of the comment... oops). In terms of politics, I am rock solid. In terms of some of the issues you brought up, I actually have mixed opinions. On comments, I do believe there is a time and place to disallow comments. The most obvious is when you cannot maintain the comment system due to physical or time constraints. Another can also be to avoid feeding trolls and having a flame war carry on underneath you. Some people might say that they can ban people for trolling or block their comments or whatever, but the problem is that then the accusation of censorship comes into play. Were they banned for trolling or their political viewpoint? It's a pretty sticky slope, as many things are in real life. I know that when I look at news sites (mainly political or programming related, not so much gaming, so I don't really know much about the RPS incident), I see a pretty odd pattern. Often, the majority of comments are written by people who obviously have an opinion opposite the main article, on top of that, opposite the majority of the opinions on the news site (and the expected typical viewer of the material on the site). Often they are uninformed or flame bait. I then see people taking the bait and a flame war ensues. It's quite sad and annoying, but as a matter of personal opinion, if I would ever post something about politics, I would most likely not allow comments on it. That does not mean I don't want there to be discussion, but I would not want to be responsible or in any way thought of as the controller of the comment system. If flame wars start, I don't want to have to deal with it. If someone is banned, I don't want to be accused of censorship. There are too many issues with it. This channel is great because it is a mature look at these things, but I hate to say it, most people I meet (granted, I am on a college campus) are not that mature to be able to make a well-educated opinion on such things. There are some pretty crazy videos on YouTube and otherwise on random people, even at colleges, being unable to answer basic questions on history, the government, and the laws of the country. When comments are freely open and these people are statistically the most likely to respond, it may lead to trouble. Again, I don't know the exact details, but I do believe that this is one place where there is a pretty gray area, but I do not believe disallowing comments is "censorship." There are plenty of other places where people can freely post their own opinions, it just is disconnected from the original post. That is my general opinion on it. It's definitely a bit gray, but that is because each case needs to be treated individually, no blanket statement can really suffice, in my opinion.