Fuslie Was ROBBED

Published 2024-07-26

All Comments (21)
  • @PoorPenman
    Robber: "your gate is open" Leslie: "can you close it?" Robber: "bet, see ya later"
  • @noitibmar
    this was such a hard video to watch. A few years back I was home alone when 3 men in black coats and masks broke into the house and started rummaging through my parents bedroom. I had to hide behind my bed to call the police. One of them must have heard me and walked down the hall to my bedroom. He stood in the doorway of my room, and I just slowly put my hands up because I didn't know what to do. Thankfully, he just said "sh*t, there's someone here" and they all dropped whatever they were carrying and ran, and I stayed on the phone with the police, afraid to walk around my own home in case someone was still there. That feeling of disbelief, of "oh, surely the weird things I'm seeing must be normal. It must be a prank, or something" is so real and awful. The moment I saw men rifling through the drawers of my parents' room, my mind immediately went to "surely these are people my Dad asked to pick something up for him." as nonsensical as that would be. Before I called the police I even tried to call my Dad to ask him. I understand people get into burglary often because they're desperate, or they see no other options. I have never been in a place in my life where I've even had to consider those sorts of things, and I'm so thankful for those priveledges. But to anyone that has done this, or might consider it in future, I just want you to understand the trauma it inflicts on people. It is so much more than the physical things stolen. Blau says "This was her personality for months" and yeh, it will be. The weight of having unknown people break into the one space you felt truly safe is horrible, and it doesn't fix easily. To this day I still hate being alone in my parents house. It was one of the biggest factors in me moving out into a small apartment where I know every inch of the space. I really feel for Leslie with this story.
  • @Auramaki_
    Leslie is too trusting man. She rly thought a burglar had good intentions. Im almost even upset she apologized to him LOL the audacity Also Leslie having a gun sounds like a horrible idea
  • @DetachedG
    Ngl that 2nd story even tho its told in the usual leslie way is frightening as hell. If i were her one of us is dying that night cuz no way im allowing you to sneak into my house
  • @OscarO82
    How do these people have security cams but not an active security system that sets off an alarm and calls 911?
  • @freshyx3
    my family was robbed when I was a child and that event traumatized me. I was hyper aware of any sounds at night and I had the hardest time sleeping until we finally moved to a safer neighborhood
  • @richrich6247
    That’s why if yo aren’t going to be home you put your valuables in a safety deposit box
  • @Ressel_
    yea.. she's an adult little girl.
  • @gitrickt8105
    So she got burglarized…. Strangely it’s getting too common as of late in California. I would know. I’m one of the victims last year