Do This to Lift Your Mood Immediately

Published 2024-07-01
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Life will always have hardships, but everything you do to improve your life will run aground unless you know how to also lift your mood. It's not just happy talk. In this video I teach actions you can take right away to start feeling better, and to gradually change your life.

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All Comments (21)
  • @miausoft
    Anna, I love you so much. Because of you, three years ago I realized I had severe CPTSD. I'm currently in therapy, weed addiction free, back in school, living my best life and getting better, showing up for my self. For me, you are one of the biggest blessings EVER. THANK YOU ❀
  • @zeynabm7508
    Wake up an hour earlier Write Meditate Excersice hard/ be outside Movement with a group Eat protein with Every meal Dont talk about negative stuff Deal with what You are avoiding Do kind things for someone else
  • The good thing about knowing about other people's trauma is that we do not feel alone in it..when we realize that we are not the only ones.
  • Anna, you are absolutely right. Knowing every detail about trauma doesn't make it go away. It still hits like an atomic bomb.
  • @redwoods7370
    My interpretation of what Anna is saying is - you can experience happiness in life no matter what you have experienced in life. This doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time on the healing path (not possible) it means that CPTSD doesn't have to steal your joy and happiness. That doesn't mean that validation and therapy and medication and rehab and inner work aren't also a part of life as well. Thank you Anna for articulating this and emphasizing this. Hugs and love to you and all the people in pain here.
  • @soluna4862
    This YouTube channel is beyond !!! years of years of therapy, even try EMDR recently but Anna, you are the first who made feel not "crazy", creepy or alone. Even therapist sometimes seems to judge "anormal". I isolated myself a lot, not friends, not having love relationship for 6 years, I let so many people hurting me again and again and again, because and I have no boundaries and re-create the dynamic of my family. I don't just not trust anymore anyone. But now, I feel hope again in my heart and the desire to re-create a life. To heal and live... finally the life I always wanted. And not just the desire but to DO IT. Thank you so much Anna to make me believed again in myself.
  • @A.l.a.c.
    It seems that because we had our painful feelings dismissed growing up, we need to overcompensate it by honoring too much our pain in adult life.
  • @ExoticTerrain
    I’m trying to quit smoking and I have to distract myself so I’ve gone gardening crazy lol Being outside and busy has been really helping.
  • @lulumoon6942
    It's easy for me to stay in the dark. It was once I starting reaching for joy that things changed, I changed, and started healing. I couldn't wait until I felt like I deserved it, had to love myself, despite myself. πŸ™πŸ•ŠοΈ
  • @teresastudio1
    I so love your direction. I have had extreme CPTSD. So much death and loss, emotional and physical abuse. I am turning 65 and learning a lot about myself. I want to help others such as women of abuse and especially some within my family. I have physical limitations and chronic pain from degenerative disk disease and other things that can be exasperating but, still moving forward. I am gleaning so much from you!! Thank you so greatly and God bless you ❀
  • @Ominous89
    Yes! This is a great video. Being a few steps ahead of yourself is doable. Sometimes when I know it's going to be a busy week or a sunny week at the beach, I prepare some food in advance before I leave, so I've already made it easier to cook my food whenever I come home or something to eat over there. The weather was bad for months. But once the sun started to shine, I got out of bed way earlier to enjoy more hours in the sun. I'm socializing way more than before. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, but my progress from burnout, homelessness, debts, to homecoming, getting past burnout, quitting alcohol, complex trauma processing and even allowing myself to finally enjoy life and help myself ahead for it, that a monumental progress. People are noticing that I am becoming radient and a happier person than they've seen me before.
  • @caoillainn
    I really need simple, step by step directions. Preferably small words with diagrams....
  • I love the 1st tip of getting up earlier. I have adjusted to waking without an alarm between 4.30 and 5am. And occasionally I'm on the golf course for 6am before heading straight to work, with stick and ball. It's the 3km walk, with rabbits, ducks, squirrels and various birds. I'm the only human there and its priceless! Also, it gives me more clarity on how to deal with the heat at work.
  • I am so happy to have found you. You have changed my whole life. I was an addict that comes from a home of where I was the scape goat. I later became a drug and alcohol counselor. I then found Dr. Ramani (sp?) and healed from narcissistic abuse and have taught that for 2 years. Now I found YOU to help heal my CPTSD. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I have shared your work with my clients and friends and we ALL appreciate you so much. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Bless your every breath. πŸ™πŸ’πŸ€Ÿ
  • @amac2573
    I may travel down to the coast in a few days to a beach and I hope to remember to take my kite this time. At the moment it is a pipe dream but a comfortable and feasible one.
  • When you said being tired is not an emergency, I felt instant relief because for me it usually feels like an emergency along with so many other things all day. I'm starting to remind myself everything is not dire and is not an emergency.
  • i appreciate how this is transparently NOT toxic positivity. it's about focusing on solutions <3 (and hopefully some higher doses of self compassionate words & actions, asking for supportive messages from trusted friends etc)
  • I remember watching this and going to a zumba class that dysregulated me totally coz the instructor had a class that just knew everything and I couldnt catch up at all, and the girls reminded me of a bad time with my sister too even though they were perfectly neutral,chill women.I came back and cried but still do exercise everyday outside before work. :)