This Is What Happens When a Psychopath Runs a Prison - Prison Simulator

Published 2021-11-13

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More about Prison Simulator (from Steam):

- Experience life in prison in the comfort of your own home. Without any real-life consequences!

- As a prison guard, your job is to maintain order behind the prison walls. But on the other hand - you're in charge here. So who is gonna tell you what to do? Are you gonna be the role model CO? It's up to you, dude.

- Simulate a prison guard's life. Look for contraband, gun maintenance, or shoot some hoops during your break. Not enough? My dude, there's so much more!

- Check out our reeeeeally cool prisoner creator!

- Experience the thrilling prison story (missing your fav prison TV shows? We've got you covered)

- This game is really fun for streaming on Twitch/Youtube. Srsly - give it a go if you're into that kind of thing.

All Comments (21)
  • @aaaaanotthebees
    At 6:56 I can't believe he didn't do the obvious thing and make everybody go into the same cell
  • "1,980 dart games later" This guy has more patience than I'll ever have
  • @TheDDBlues
    I still can't believe how Josh missed the opportunity to try and see if all of them would pile in a single cell if he closes all the other cell doors after 6:53 .. sounds promising..
  • @lem0ncrunch
    Imagine knowing there’s a riot and then finding all the prisoners unconscious with one guard standing over them
  • @user-221i
    "And this one just gonna be called Twitter" Perfect description.
  • “I know you’re gonna have to deal with it later, but I didn’t wanna deal with it now.” Josh gets a 5-star rating for being 10/10 relatable af
  • @privatename5788
    You know, Josh might not have named that woman who went to solitary, but we all know who she was.
  • It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize Josh was playing as a guard, not an inmate.
  • @AcidNitric
    At least Josh is self-aware that he is our favourite Psychopath.
  • I have to say, Josh, you create some of the ONLY visual media I seem to be able to rewatch over and over. Thanks for being wild as hell.
  • @AdikTheOne
    4:38 There's a command to "put down" on shelf "pfffft, i don't need this. Hey shelves, your parents never loved you" Savage
  • I've grown so used to Josh's phycopathic ways that the only thing that can now catch me off guard is Josh himself
  • @brandon53323
    6:40 I need to know what happens when you call all the prisoners out, close all the cell doors and send them back 😭
  • @slippydouglas
    “Why does it take Josh so long to make new videos?” Me: You realize he just spent a week straight playing darts in Prison Simulator, right?
  • Did anyone notice the chocolate bar was called "Himhe's " instead of Hershey's? 🤣 4:57