Wuthering Waves Review - Too Much Genshin Not Enough PGR

Published 2024-06-27

All Comments (21)
  • @Man-of-segs
    WuWa is literally Australia simulator: bunch of dangerous shiet want to kill you and rain falls upward
  • @DrSilvergun
    My first attempt at a review video Safe to say I bit off more than I could chew with this one. Spent a couple weeks on it and I'm still unhappy with the result. If I had the motivation I'd have started over and done another draft at the script. Regardless I think It manages to convey how I felt about Wuthering Heights and that's enough for me. Back to Arknights videos now.
  • @harunammie4898
    It was made obvious very early on that the teams that made the OSTs for PGR weren't the ones who handled the OSTs on this one, which is weird since from the looks of it Vanguard Sound picks up any game that comes to them so it is just straight up confusing as to why they didn't approached them.
  • @shariqikram5832
    Maybe the sponsorship was the friends we made along the way
  • @tsukiri_masho
    Real kuro enjoyer were like "finally open world PGR!!" Though nowadays, Wuwa is mostly full of frustrated ex-genshin players that wants to keep comparing wuwa to genshin From Kurogamer side, I agree that this is too much genshin, less PGR. Wuwa standalone, its really fun. But coming from PGR, I know, I KNOW they can do better, wayyy better At least I appreciate the Monster hunter rise, DMC, Nier & Pokemon aspect of the game. I enjoyed the direction of the Core Passive aka Forte Circuit
  • @Gorden121
    About the copying Genshin, I feel like whoever was in charge just wanted them to copy everything as closely as possible without having any clue whatsoever why things are in Genshin the way they are. There's no way you would even copy the crappy designs if you have any sort of incling about if it's good design or not. "I don't know if it's good or bad or why it's there to begin with, just copy it"
  • @Lichtonatus
    Title is basically my feeling in a nutshell. I dont understand copying Genshin to such a degree without including the 4 years of QoL improvements Genshin has had. People who dont like Genshin arent going to play a Genshin-like; People who love Genshin arent going to jump ship; People who love PGR are toing to be disappointed by how little PGR is in the DNA. It's such a strange choice for anything but a pump and dump, which Im inclined to believe this isnt.
  • @DinnyForst
    I play both Arknights and PGR as main mobile games, and Wuwa still needs a long way to improve and reach same point of PGR QoL level. For now, both Wuwa and GI share many same elements from progression to UI/tone design at least for me. I wish Kuro goes back to their track and bring original vision at some point while improving core combat and engaging activities. Great review!
  • @Eclin
    “Doesn’t feel like Genshin combat wise but it does at everyting else” is basically it for me. The mechanics aren’t 100% the exact copy, but how it works in practice, how it look visually, and the game loop are uncannily similar to Genshin. I’ve been long switched to playing HSR from Genshin since it’s release, HSR has the exact same loop and also adopt the same system as Genshin(with auto as the saving grace), and i don’t feel like doing it the third time with WUWA.
  • @jesty_
    too much genshin and too little PGR is literally the best way to explain this game tbh
  • @memogaming5383
    It annoys me that they copied so many bad things from genshin. They should've looked at hsr that fixed many of those things and has way better QoL
  • @Rilandas
    The most objective WuWa review I saw. But it's too objective, I couldn't really tell, if you liked it despite drawbacks or not.
  • @Cyr.ai.
    good review, despite your thoughts on how it turned out. i think the title really does say it all, it sucks that i move on from genshin only to find more genshin :/ on the brightside, it really makes me want to play pgr now because of wuwas combat lol
  • @Gavin-N
    As a long time PGR fan and having watched the stream of the closed beta I must say I'm disappointed with how WW turned out. I know Kuro can do so so much better. the Surviving Luciem being a PGR chapter that is well known in the community for having AMAZING writing, and while I don't expect them to match it I know they have the potential to do so.
  • @NeoSpira
    yeah when i playing pgr, before wuwa, i was always hoping for an open world pgr.... not genshin-lite. the only thing im grateful for is the ease of travel but other than that... :c i just wanted open world pgr
  • @Kramer8
    The obvious explanation why they took many genshin elements is just because it's makes players easy to get used it. I'm sure it will be changed after some patches since Kuro frequently updating UI in PGR.
  • @yojo8667
    Seeing all the beta stuff involving the story pained me, it could’ve been a lot less boring and the mc feeling more antagonistic both makes sense and sounds more interesting than what the story has given us. But I understand, no one tends to care about these stories and tend to skip them anyways, I’ll just sadly go back into reading books like the Wuthering Heights…
  • @peacechan4500
    Im genuinely convinced this game is genuinely kuro biting more than it could chew. The most telling is the Vanguard studio only on the title theme only. The very apparent rush job they did in voice and performance. Hence they just copy genshin. This is kuro gambit basically if they flop, which I genuinely they almost did, kuro genuinely gonna be gone. Thankfully the core gameplay and being actively involved in hearing input from playerbase save this game from death. Now would they make a comeback? Genuinely i dont know. But the odds is always good on kuro when it comes to upgrade their games. Problem is do the player base even care or patients enough for it. Before it got snagged by azur promilia. Basically making wuwa another cult classic that always always left you wanting more, kinda what fate befall PGR. Like pgr of old is not the same from pgr now.
  • @locke03
    Someday we will get an open-world action gacha game that is not functionally a lazy copy-paste of Genshin Impact, but today is not that day.