Humans Will Mate Any Alien They Want And Not A Single Thing Will Stop It | Sci-Fi Story | HFY Story

This story was granted permission by reddit author u/Ok-Significance-1752 to me to narrate and add to this YouTube channel.
Story Part1 Link:…
Story Part2 Link:…
Story Part3 Link:…
Story Part4 Link:…
Story Part5 Link:…

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コメント (21)
  • My only criticism is that making the aliens sound more alien would help in identifying who is talking.
  • @Draknfyre
    I expected a silly story about humans banging every alien species they come across, being seen as incurable horndogs by the rest of the galaxy. Instead I got a story about warcrimes. That AI took a hell of a turn.
  • @Roddy_Zeh
    Captain Kirk and Riker know. 👌🏻🗿🍷
  • @jamesha175
    LOL the aliens found the concept of Jesus to be ridiculous yet they worship a giant turtle in the sky that keeps the universe in balance
  • @BagoPorkRinds
    The thumbail has got to be the most cursed for an HFY story. It might be the only cursed thumbnail to exist. 😂
  • can confirm, soldiers often have issue with 'snarky cynics'. Whether its the media the brass or the politicians. ;)
  • @drnobody1908
    Not going to lie in the end where it was no good or bad sides, with the way the story went and what was said humans were the most bad. Tbh if humanity sent a delegation to deal with the very first situation which caused the issue which in real life they would. Nothing in this story would have happened, ngl the priest who threw the man out of the tree was in the right. What kind of peeked my curiosity in the story was the fact that humans acted more like a bunch of fat boys more so than soldiers and leaders. Straight up sounds like starship troopers by the bugs are f***able.
  • @Erin-Thor
    One moment the narrator is an alien talking about humans, then he’s a human, then alien, then human. I am so confusededed.
  • @sorryociffer
    It was only a matter of time until I heard a human HFY sex story.
  • @oteatimeo
    70’s Central America. Names changed to protect the guilty.
  • @ultrajorge
    this channel owner felt too hard for the ai hype lol
  • @the_Kurgan
    He suicide bombed the local armor with a pillow?
  • Finally, some actual HFY, emphasis on the "F"