Was Spider-Man 2 Rushed?

Published 2024-01-27
Spiderman 2 DLC or Spiderman 2 new game plus is needed RIGHT NOW

All Comments (21)
  • @The-No-one
    The first 2 acts weren't rushed but act 3 with the symbiote takeover was rushed because Sony didn't give them enough time
  • @RealMasterLuc
    Brother got the game and turned into a philosopher 😂
  • @pian-0g445
    It’s funny how both games are around the same length, but the first feels like a complete story, while the second feels like it’s missing just those little extra bits. It’s pretty much a majority opinion that this game should have been just that little bit longer.
  • @spiderzilla7o7
    I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thought spider man 2 looked unfinished
  • I felt like Peter’s symbiote abilities weren’t expanded on enough. Sure we got like symbiote punch, tendril grab, but I feel that web of shadows handled the symbiote much better.
  • @cyriloboco3083
    They lied when they said they doubled the map size by adding Queens. There's not much to do in Queens, and since it's mostly suburb, you just end up gliding over and ignoring most of the area. and HALF of Manhattan is missing. Did anyone else notice that??
  • @darthnutsack6717
    I didnt like the way he got the symbiote in this game. Needing to be revived after getting killed by Kraven within 3 seconds of meeting him seemed extremely lazy to me, especially when you consider that this Spidey has like 10 years or so of experience.
  • @J33B_M4CHETE
    Interesting look back on Spider-Man 2, the game did feel short, and certain things like the dynamics of Harry and Venom and Peter being affected by Venom, should have been fleshed out a little more. As for the "Venom world takeover" that should have had more urgency to it, like locking side content to emphasize the fact the city is in danger. Apart from these little nitpicks of mine, I throughly enjoyed the game.
  • 9:55 I feel like everyone who played this game missed her line explaining she had training with Sable during Symkaria We deserve a directors cut. Some scenes where Miles bonds a little with Harry since they both lost a parent and they both have powers to prevent it happening again. We need to get the black suit earlier to have a better transition between Casual lowenthal to Menace Lowenthal.
    game woulda been peak if it wasnt for that 15 hour story😭😭
  • Very rushed. Act III felt so tiny. The black suit felt underutilized, we didn't get enough time with Harry like we did with Otto and many other issues.
  • @simplyjc1328
    Probably no is reading this but I completely agree with your points. I had a few ideas that could've made the game feel more impactful and more emotional, first off, I would've kept Agent Venom around longer for more encounters with Peter and Miles, Harry and Miles saw each other as competition for being Peter's best friend so why not have a mission or two where the two actively compete against each other and try to prove superiority over each other? This could've deepened Venom's anger towards Miles in the end game and also give Miles more screen time. Another idea I had is common but keeping the Black Suit around longer would've been nice, it really feels like we didn't even have it for long, it was just Peter having it for the lizard part and then he loses control and then immediately gets it removed. Why not keep it around longer? Also wouldn't have the Symbiote interested Kraven? I doubt he's seen anything like it with him being an expert in all things wild, I think it would've been cool for him to find out it cured Harry's sickness and then attempt to hunt Pete to get it for himself and become the ultimate Predator (Venom). Another thing I also would've done is emphasized Harry's emotional state after he loses the symbiote. The symbiote made him feel like a hero, Harry wanted to be like Pete that's why he based his suit off of his in the first place, imagine if they made Harry and Miles compete against each other and then later when Harry loses the symbiote, imagine the disappointment, uselessness, and jealousy building up in him, one minute being a hero that's actively helping those around him, and the next minute seeing his best friend who already has powers, wear the suit that made himself special and healthy and to also see Miles actively doing what Harry himself can't do, all while slowly dying with no cure. All of these factors could've pushed Harry to the edge and been what motivated Venom. I just feel like Venom did not have good motivation and depended too much on the corruption of the symbiote instead of having the symbiote use Harry's insecurities to do what he did in the game. Another thing, have Miles more involved in the Kraven and Symbiote arcs. Give the man more screen time! A cool idea I had is what if when Miles allowed Li to escape the Mansion, instead of staying back and attempting to take on Kraven, what if Miles tried to escape too which led into a chase portion where Miles is trying with all his power to escape Kraven and his hunters, using his invisibility and his bioelectricity what if this became a game of cat and mouse with Miles as the Prey and Kraven as the Hunter? Then lead into the capture of Miles and Peter going berserk. I could say way more but I don't think anyone would be interested in reading more of this.
  • @lilkruhsi3810
    The game is great but for 70$ (80€ in Germany) it felt really short and rushed I wished it to be a little longer
  • @spider-man5544
    I think the problem i had in sm2 is that the missions are so good that its kinda short, and i think the act 3 of the game, the symbiote takeover, is a good way to dump us some more missions.
  • @Maxthecat-nf5lp
    it honestly annoys me how much it is wasted because if it was just longer, than it could have been such a great game and explore one of the best spiderman arks with some of the best villans in the series, but they wasted it by rushing through and not letting it playout and develop characters.
  • I really agree for the most part. There were so many storylines and everything just needed that (little) bit extra to make it feel more worthwhile. A bit more for Miles (with Ganke, Hailey, Rio and Harry). A bit more of black suit Peter (quite a bit more). Perhaps missions where you tried protecting villains like Vulture, Shocker, or Electro. A final act that wouldn't feel as rushed (and didn't include the random appearance of the colgate suit). I'd have loved a few more grounded, unmasked scenes as well. I think that aspect was a little lacking compared to the first two games.
  • @Shahriyararin63
    I love it but the story is amazing however the first 2 acts was amazing. It's only the third act was rushed. It could have been an additional 5 hours longer. They pretty much repeated the same mistake as God of War Ragnarok which is rushed third act. But that's nothing short of amazing. Both games are phenomenal. Marvel's Spider Man 2 is still the best Marvel game ever.