Kobe Bryant Thinks Michael Jordan is The Greatest That Play The Game

Published 2009-06-14
Kobe also said that Michael is the only one who has truly perfected the game.

I'm a huge Kobe Bryant fan, always have been and always will be. I'm always pulling for him, hoping that the Lakers would win the west, etc. A few days ago I started looking up NBA videos on youtube, and I was shocked to learn that so many, probably 14 year olds not only put him on the same level as Michael, but actually think that Kobe is better. I mean I guess I understand it, since they never saw Jordan play, and they have no reference. Isolated youtube clips don't even do Michael Jordan justice, its basically an era that you have to actually live through to completely understand how dominant Michael Jordan was. His mind and drive is what set him apart. As great as he was, he just went to the next level in like the last 4 minutes of every game. He's what I call the ultimate alpha male. I cannot explain the fear, the vibe that there was when Jordan was playing against your team. I'm at a lost for words and I really cant describe it, it's actually an era that you have you have to live through to understand. I wasn't a Jordan fan during those days. I mean I liked him, but I was always pulling against him, because I lived in NY and I was a Knicks fan. In NY the only people who liked Jordan were people who basically jumped on the bandwagon, because the Bulls were the best team. (They didn't watch basketball, else they would have been Knicks fans, since those are games shown on local television, and reported on the news.) But anyway, I wasn't a Jordan fan, but I remember his last game as Bull. Typical Jordan, there's like less than a minute left in the game, he steals the ball from Karl Malone, doesn't even call time out. He just sets up Russell, does a move that Ive never seen before, a penetrating jab step, step back Jumper, and as he's releasing the ball I'm thinking "8 years of this already, he just has to finally miss this." (Actually 7 years of me watching basketball) I was so sure he was going to miss it, because enough is enough already, but after seeing that live, the way he ended that game, his history, you realize that he's literally not a typical human being. And by that I mean mentally. Bottom line, when Kobe retires, they're not going to be comparing the next great to Kobe Bryant, they are going to be comparing the next great to Michael Jordan. So it almost doesn't matter. In other words future NBA fans are going to know about Jordan, but very little about Kobe Bryant. It's what happens when time moves on. Also, the future teenager are also probably going to consider who ever the best of that era is to be the greatest of all time, even if Kobe Bryant was obviously better.

All Comments (21)
  • @nbakings7
    "I wanna be the best I can be" man says it all.
  • @IsaNizamDalwai
    During Michael Jordan's time, the NBA hadn't banned the "hand-checking" rule. Which means the defence could have a hand on the team possessing the ball, even before he started driving. That made it WAY tougher to make great plays and get the shots in place and yet MJ did just that. Proud of Kobe for saying what he did too. May God bless both.
  • @basty05
    Michael will be the best ever be in his own way and for everybody who believe in it.... Just let Kobe be Kobe and recognized as to be the best in his own ability.... Great respect for both of them for they make Basketball at its best...
  • @inlovewithi
    @TheMyth619 Good point about Nash, since he really benefited.
  • @inlovewithi
    @inlovewithi I must also say that the one year that Jordan took a lot of 3 pointers, where he made it part of his game, in 1989-90, he shot better for 3s than Kobe ever has, not counting the seasons that the 3 point line was shorten, like Kobe's rookie year. Which leads me to believe that Jordan would have been a better 3 point shooter if he decided to make that part of his game.
  • @LakersDynasty42
    @gtg309v The Sportscenter anchor was trying to do an impression of Shaq. That's why his voice was so low.
  • @daGOATmj23
    C i respect that just let me be me cuz he kno there's no next mike or next G>O>A>T>
  • @gtg309v
    Listen when he says shaquille oneal's name at 0:54... Anyone else notice the tv host's voice suddenly turns really deep and monotone as if he doesn't want anybody watching to hear him say shaq's name? Kobe is the media's golden boy...
  • @IsaNizamDalwai
    @MsFuckduck Exactly. I just was referring to the rule when MJ was in his prime.
  • @famohsen
    i love when he says "michael is michael"
  • @KesselnLeafs
    The guy interviewing him is the NBA 2k insider lol
  • @bboyxodus1
    @imsljr420 the vid with magic pre cut production i go to find da website 4 it hold up
  • @inlovewithi
    @Sage80 Just a correction, Kobe did have one season where he shot better for 3s than Jordan's 1989 - 90 season, but my point is still valid.
  • @djxcee
    I remember watching MJ back in the days... man I hated him lol because I wanted Malone to get a ring. MJ is the greatest and it will stand there until time comes by. Kobe will probably be the next person in line. As newer generation of kids get older, they will admire Kobe just like how many of us admire MJ. MJ MVP of 90s. Kobe MVP of 00s.
  • @blackadam06
    Now that U put it that way, I see your point LOL!!
  • @leia072306
    " lots of guys are good and lots of guys have skill but only one has this level of ARTISTRY" THY NAME IS MICHAEL 23# GOAT!!!! and all you FEW haters can take that to the bank!!!!!
  • @blackadam06
    A prime MJ in this era would have MONSTER production.. CBS Sportsline has kept a shot chart of pts scored inside & outside 15 ft, and the FT line since the rules changed. From this, it shows kobe this year scored: 460 pts on layups & dunks 572 pts INSIDE 10 ft 862 pts INSIDE 15 ft 439 pts on the FT line 1,301 (66%..2/3) of his total pts this year was scored INSIDE 15 ft or from the FT line, but only 669 of 'em came OUTSIDE of that (not even half his pts LOL!!) MJ would avg 40+ppg today LOL!!
  • @mikejp2008
    Magic and Bird had it in 80's, Jordan was man in the 90's, Kobe is the best right now. D Wade and Lebron are the future maybe...