Pete Buttigieg Schools Fox News Anchor on Question About His Marriage

Published 2023-01-07
‘Why is it any different when it’s me and my husband?’ — Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg had the perfect comeback for a Fox News anchor's unwarranted questions about traveling with his husband, Chasten
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All Comments (21)
  • @ARandomDonut
    Pete is a master of "let me explain your stupidity to you, but I'll be REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY nice about it"
  • @alanhyt79
    He's great at explaining basic things to the willfully ignorant.
  • @dandelan
    Watch and learn, mister anchorman. That's what you get when you try to "gotcha" a man who has gone through this probably a thousand times before... Still, his delivery was dignified and classy.
  • @mightymissk
    I love Pete Buttigieg because he has the ability to cut through Fox News lies (and insulting questions) - with almost surgical precision. The man has a way of speaking clearly that gets through to people.
  • @cyberzenASMR
    it’s sad. it’s 2023 y’all. grow up. the man has a husband and gets the same benefits like everyone else.
  • @billsanders5067
    Before he was Sec. of transportation, he served his country as a United States Naval officer. If for only that reason alone I would be proud to stand beside a fellow brother America sailor. USN Vietnam veteran 1966-70.
  • @doc7sea
    A “gotcha” question… which backfired immediately. Haven’t they learned that Pete can effortlessly destroy their talking points, like ALWAYS?!
  • I love it. He instantly respond with an "Of course not! " and proceed to explain why. No hesitation and not taken by surprise by the question. What a great man.
  • @johniii8147
    Very smart strategy of his not afraid to go on Fox. He's proving himself to the conservative audience. When he does decide to run again he will get crossover votes. He knows exactly what he's doing.
  • @Pyrrhic.
    Pete Buttigieg should be President.
  • Pete is so humble, and well spoken. It cuts them that much deeper that they can't get him out of his square.
  • @demacto13
    Well spoken as expected from Pete, and petty from Fox as expected.
  • @valeriag9443
    I don’t get why he keeps getting invited when they know he’s just gonna school them for any hate they try to give him😂😂
  • The best part is watching the host look like he was waiting for the ground to open up and swallow him whole. A classic case of "it was in this moment, he knew he sucked up".
  • This man should be the President of the US. Period. He’d negotiate so tactfully for international dealings.
  • He‘s one of the most well spoken politician out there and always well informed and smart. He would make a great president, I think… But I‘m sure the US is not ready for that…
  • @MrAaron5627
    His composure was exemplary; I am nearly speechless.
  • I hope he runs again. I’m a Republican, but he seems to be a reasonable and well meaning dude. We could use someone who is not Trump, while also not being geriatric.
  • The Perfect Respond to the Question. No need to apologize or get Angry. Wisdom Conquer All ✨️