Secure Forever! - Part8: The False Teaching of Perseverance

Published 2018-09-30

All Comments (21)
  • @dallasweber7692
    We Are Getting Our 2nd Home In St. Cloud. We Look So Forward To Visiting As Your Church & Ministry At Northland As The Blessing Of Truth & Love Is So Bountiful. John 6:47 John 3:15 & John 3:16 Are My Assurances To Others & Myself.👏😊
  • @leighastjohn8612
    AMEN! Jesus paid it all and I trust God's word that He did it all FOR me!
  • @JohnJohn-bp5ci
    Great series. Thank you for expounding on, and exposing this erroneous Calvinist teaching that causes confusion, and uncertainty or as you may trigger or exacerbates symptoms of dread and doubt in those who may be suffering from mental pain such as depression, or OCD, etc.....even in those who have believed. Jesus Christ is the Solid Rock on which we stand. Our faith needs to be in Him alone; not our works before or after salvation. Our perseverance has Nothing to do with it. Our salvation and our assurance is secure in Christ. Jesus Christ, God's one and only Son, who paid for all of our sins is the author and finisher of our faith, because He is God in the flesh and His Word is true. We can depend on Him! The totality, assurance and finality of salvation rests only and completely on what Jesus Christ did for us; not on what we do or don't do for Him. And while we should obey God as we yield to Him in gratitude and submission after we've put our trust in Christ's finished work because it is His Will that we live faithful lives after being saved, our perseverance and our works do not save us, nor do they keep us saved. Christ keeps us saved. He preserves His own even when they do not persevere. Our security is in what Christ has done for us. He is faithful even when we are not. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see. Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow. Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation, purchased of God. Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood! My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus' blood and righteousness! John 3:16 John 5:24 Acts 16:31 All glory and honor and praise be to my Savior whereby through faith in Him alone I have eternal life!!!!!!!!
  • @19bmase
    "This false teaching can drive people insane." (5-minute mark) --- Perfectly said and so true. Amen. Perseverance of the Saints drove me insane for the better part of two years! I would listen to John MacArthur and convince myself that I was lost. I would have horrific meltdowns. For example: when Satan threw a dart at me, if I would get frustrated, then I felt like I was committing a sin and was not fully sanctified like MacArthur and all the Calvinists who painted a picture of perfection. Surely, they wouldn't slam their fists in frustration, right? ---- A few years later I can say: Take a hike, MacArthur. I praise the Lord Jesus Christ for his shed blood on the cross of calvary that washes my sins away. Glory, praise and honor to the slain lamb who took on the sin of the world!
  • @katgirl7274
    Thank you for teaching the Word of God! God bless you
  • @stylus2253
    I once had a convo with someone online who said they believed in Christ as a child, but now they didn't follow him anymore. I wish I had been more confident of this doctrine at that time, because I could have been more definitive and maybe encouraging to them. This is really such a devilish problem.
  • @Califgracer
    Wonderful presentation Tom! Solid Bible references!
  • It’s amazing that my Calvinist friend tell me that if you believe the gospel without God, regenerating you and making you believe in it is an act of work… yes once your regenerated I guess as long as you persevere that’s still God persevering you and not yourself😜🤪😜🤪🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ you can’t make this stuff up! That’s how daemonic it is in my opinion😢
  • If you know how to trust the Holy Spirit for spiritual discernment as a real gift of the Spirit then you can distinguish between a pastor mispeaking, one teaching error as a honest mistake, teaching error due to their own deception, one teaching error motivated by an ungodly spirit/demon, and one willfully deceiving of their flesh and/or demonically motivated. So learn hear the Holy Spirit and trust Him when He speaks. Act on it and practice it. Exercise that gift strengthening your trust in it, and He will keep you from being deceived into so much error and demonic deception.
  • @Romans-838
    I really like this teaching but what about: But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. Matthew 24:13
  • Every honest Calvinist sleeps with one eye open. Interesting but very sad story. In June of 2001, during his message at a Ligonier’s Conference in Orlando, Fla., the late Dr. R. C. Sproul indicated that Dr. James Boice, a scheduled speaker at the conference, was dying that very night. Then at the end of the message he asked all 5,000 present to pray that Jim "dies in faith". Dr. Boyce was considered a great pastor, theologian, teacher, and author, yet Sproul was not sure that he was regenerate. Dr. Boyce did die that night. They all hoped he persevered ... but they cannot know if that was God's "gift" to him or not. The real irony lies in their 'prayer' that Dr. Boyce would truly be saved. According to "U"conditional Election... God either loved him 'salvifically' or he hated him. just like Esau, and literally nothing could ever be done to change his eternal decree. And, if God hated him, why would they run the risk of 'loving' him?... They just don't know, and believe they cannot know, but most won't admit it, even to themselves. It is said that Dr. Sproul even wondered out loud near is own death if he had done 'enough'. Calvinists can have no real personal assurance, they're only hoping for the best, because they believe they're either 'picked' or they'll bust Hell wide open without a prayer.... literally. Desperate for 'evidence' of salvation, they cling to their 'works' as pieces of a broken shipwreck at sea, it's all they have.
  • @kaioken654
    Can you please point me to the video where you talk about the believers that didn't die in faith
  • @sladisciples
    Path to glory? huh? There is no path to glory, there is a way to glory. He has a name.
  • I have a question for a friend who thinks that once your saved if you stop believing you will lose your salvation. That you hath to keep believing to be saved. Also I don't know how to explain Hebrew 6:4-8 To him
  • @tomy8339
    Paul clearly taught to persevere in the faith. He said himself at the end of his life that he has persevered to the end, ran his raced and finished. I don't know what Bible you are reading from.