Serpent Solitude - Arc of Aeon

Published 2021-07-27
Some buddies of mine entered a game jam, and I offered to make the music. I managed to come up with this menu track and a game track as well in 5 hours. Not the best, but I am looking at getting a keyboard and Ableton, so maybe I'll consider taking music more seriously soon.

Same upload but on the Arc of Aeon music channel
   • Serpent Solitude - [ Arc of Aeon ]  

Shade of Serpents - Arc of Aeon (Game track)
   • Shade of Serpents - Arc of Aeon  

Flowjam Summer 2021

The Serpent's Temple entry

All Comments (2)
  • @ArcOfAeon
    Listen to the same upload on the Arc of Aeon music channel, and subscribe if you feel like listening to whatever other electronic genres I post in the future