Literally Everything We Know About Mushrooms

Published 2022-06-03
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I watched a documentary on fungi and learned a lot about mushrooms.
They are cute and kind of needed for us to live so that's kind of pog that they're around :)

Gimme ur funny mushrooms facts.

Thank you to my wonderful friend Daniel for helping with storyboarding:

Music by Jules Gaia and Louie Zong

Fun Links And Stuff:


All Comments (21)
  • @4TheWizard
    Aspiring mycologist here! A neat fungus fact that was recently discovered is that mushrooms can sometimes control the rain! For a basic summary, by releasing billions of spores high into the air, they pass through clouds, interacting with so many water vapour particles at once that it causes a chain reaction where it begins to rain! There's a lot more science behind it than that, but scientists are trying to harness that ability so that we can start controlling rain! How cool would that be?
  • Moral of the story: If you are starving, never eat a mushroom Eat flowers, pine buds, the soft bit of the bark of a tree, but do NOT eat a mushroom, because sometimes even if it looks like a good mushroom it may have fucked a bad mushroom and you are suddenly hostage in mushroom basement and the mushroom police won't find you.
  • Mushrooms did wonders in my life. I could remember several years ago, I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Was actually diagnosed with cptsd. Not until a friend of mine recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
  • @harrybill1249
    I have been mostly sad but after taking shrooms few months ago, l feel much happier and highly motivated and my ADHD gone , lost a ton of anxiousness and had a few epiphanies about how I should live my life. I decided to buy an ounce for backup, but haven’t yet felt the need to take any more since then.
  • My favorite fungi fact: there's a type of mold only found under Chernobyl that feeds off the radiated melted waste from the disaster, thus making it less radioactive. Also, that waste (melted remains of the reactor in the basement) goes by the name "The Elephant's Foot" (not a fungus) and to say it will kill you is an understatement, since it can give you a massively lethal dose of radiation poisoning.
  • @gordontheseal
    Fun fact about mushrooms: there is a type of mushroom found in Scandinavia and it looks like a very average mushroom. But it has hallucinogenic qualities to it that may have numbed your ability to feel pain. So way back when Vikings were around they fed these to special warriors, beloved to be chosen by Odin, to essentially not care that they were bleeding in seven spots and have several arrows in them since they couldn’t feel the pain. And then they died. To Valhalla
  • @diaexists969
    WHY IS NO ONE TALKIN ABOUT 4:01 im dying😭 “I probably wouldn’t eat the horribly phallic one” “🤞
  • @morrisivy6726
    Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety and illicit pill addiction.imagine carrving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone.Believe it or not in a couple years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues
  • @harrisono.324
    when you mentioned honey mushrooms being the biggest living thing on the planet, I thought about Pando, the tree forest that is all one connected tree, technically one organism, which I had heard was the biggest living thing. some googling and some math later, I learned that Pando weighs about 6500 metric tons. I still don't know which is bigger, they both have the same large number!
  • Here's a fun fact: at least the last time I checked, there were only two or three mycologists (mushroom scientists) in Australia. Which is a shame because Australia's gotta have some really weird mushrooms and I'd love to know more about them.
  • I love foraging, no matter if its mushrooms, plants, or nuts. Mushrooms are really cool! The amount of diversity is insane, from fly agaric that inspired the mushroom in mario, to the best and tasty morels, they are all super unique and beautiful in their own way. They are also one of my favorite things to practice drawing! When foraging, make sure to take in account if that mushroom, or plant has any poisonous like-alikes, even if its something your familiar with! Such as the potato, which is related to nightshade. If eaten when it is too ripe, or after its prime can cause sickness. For more information, I suggest reading one of Thomas J. Epel's books, like foraging in the mountain west, which covers plants, animals, nuts, and mushrooms!
  • @Cheerwine091
    Merlin Sheldrake, a Mycologist (and brother to Cosmo Sheldrake, songwriter behind “The Moss”) released a book on mushrooms(as mycologists do). He got his author’s copy, soaked it in sugar water, and then grew mushrooms on it. He then ate said mushrooms. He’s really something.
  • @schmoyoho
    infundibuliform looks like it’s about to start an illegal restaurant and make me some Ratatouille 📈
  • @royperry1165
    Psilocybin mushrooms saved my life honestly. They helped me see the pure beauty in life, and made me realize how dumb it would be to take myself out.
  • @Heisenberg-35
    Psychedelics are just an amazing discovery. It's quite fascinating how effective they are for depression and stress..saved my life.
  • @mutantmaster1
    There is one type of mushroom that can technically hunt. I forget the fine details, but it makes a snare big enough for a nematode to get in, and once one goes through the loop, the loop activates and kills it, then chemically dissolves the body so the hypae can absorb the nutrients
  • @Hadeopelago
    The ant killing fungus is actually called Cordyceps, and it does everything that GP says it does in the video. Sometimes, even other ants have to bring the "infected" ant away from the colony to prevent the cordyceps from spreading! It is my favorite fungus because it's so interesting.
  • @VasquezBroklyn_4
    I’ve heard many good things about psychedelics like LSD or psilocybin mushrooms and their health benefits, I also heard it helps one get through addiction and depression. I’m just wondering where I can get my hands on them cause I’ll love to give it a try. I’m passing through a state of terrible depression lately.