game theory intro song but it never starts

Published 2020-07-24
edit march 2023: I don’t watch game theory and I never did

original 2020 description:
welcome gamers. send this to your sibling to prove to them you are a true gamer. send this to your teacher to help u get a good grade. send this to your crush to tell them you like them. send this to your ex or your ex-bestfriend to show them that you are now living your best life. send this to your opponent to win a chess game. send this to your best friend to show them how much you love and appreciate their existence. send this to your dog if they have a phone. send this to the parody account of your favorite jojo's bizarre adventure character when you find out he is actually a catboy. send this to polygon's brian david gilbert so he can hire me to create an intro song for his wonderful "unraveled" show. send this to jeff bezos with a well-written email about why he needs to use his money for good instead of being rich and exploiting his workers. send this to matpat himself. send this to anyone and everyone you know. im not asking. this is a command.

all rights go to matpat and game theory whatever i do not know who owns this i have never watched a full game theory video in my life

i started this project today out of anger and disappointment in the establishment and my country

this is the product of empathy and frustration

i got that matpat png from goldendragon22 on deviantart i dont have deviantart thats just where google told me it was from when i searched matpat png

you are valid and will get through this. this pain is temporary, and you are fully capable of achieving your dreams. i believe in your power. take care of yourself.