Starfield - What Happens if You Beat the Game After Marrying Sarah Morgan? (Starfield Secrets)

Published 2023-09-12

All Comments (21)
  • @cleon24769
    Most of the comments are mourning the loss of connection with Sarah. Meanwhile, I'm sighing into my pillow because I found out too late that I have to rebuild my million-credit custom ship.
  • @SoalRaptor
    That’s actually kind of depressing ngl. Hoping the story expansion Shattered Space revisits this and let’s you actually enter the unity with your partner
  • Sarah Morgan’s whole quest is so sweet and yet so sad, she was my first romanced companion. Hope she’s okay wherever she ends up
  • @JSillyGaming
    Very sad ending, they definitely need to make an update with an option to enter unity with her. I feel like all that time together was pointless to have that in the game if you just end up apart in the end!
  • @bobrobrules
    If you want some extra secret dialogue: enter the armillary but walk back and not go through the unity. You will get some extra dialogue with all of the constellation members and if you are married to any of them, you will get some extra options.
  • @IssaSnowDay
    Something cool about the unity part is, all the story lines you completed will also show up there with a little summary of what happens after you leave. I got a few for the UC vanguard and FS Rangers when I made it there.
  • @Iamnels
    This is quite a depressing ending tbh lmao leaving everything behind especially your partner. What’s crazy too is if you think about it when you deny unity and for me I was with Sarah, she’s surprised that you don’t go and she chose not to go for your same reason if you choose the romance dialogue. So if you think about it if you went she would have denied unity and be alone lol which is even more depressing. It sucks there’s not some type of way to tell the other version of your partner that you were together. I don’t know if anyone has found it yet I reloaded after getting the achievement lol. I hope the dlc expands on this unity concept and perhaps we can not be separated from our partner.
  • @ark1f115
    I do have a save before i went but to go back wouldn't feel right. I regret going through the unity after spending the time building up those friends and relationships. It took me awhile to romance Sarah but it ended up being so special to me when we got married in game. When you talk to her before you build the armilary thing I realized she was completely right with the whole curiosity thing. I could only keep the curiosity at bay for so long. Going into the new universe creates a lonely feeling that took me by storm. Its heartbreaking. Going in I sided with the emissary, but with each new universe i could feel myself turning into the hunter. Maybe in the future for the DLC if you hop into a new universe you can see your universe friends again or maybe its already in the game. Maybe she is just the next universe or two over waiting...Well played Bethesda, I will keep searching for the chance to reunite my character and her universe lover😭
  • @Tigs2
    I have played 250 hrs and am just going through the unity for the first time. Why do i feel emotional? Its just a game…isn’t it? I have Sarah, i have an amazing ship, amazing weapons and space suits. I dont want to lose it 😞
  • @Cozsmo
    Sad there isn’t something special that can be said. Also man wanna say thank you about your videos. They’ve helped out a lot. I love your chill content.
  • @LadyAmalthea0615
    Disappointing that there's no dialogue in NG+ that lets you tell your LI that you loved and/or married them in a different universe. I imagine that could make for some interesting conversations and interactions. Feels like a missed opportunity.
  • @daemon4202
    not really a secret.. this is how you experience all of your "endings" no matter who you romance if it goes to a final level you'll see them
  • I’m glad I’m not the only one that wants a new game plus where you find your partner again. That would have made me keep playing through 10 new game plus’ but in the end I didn’t want to leave her so I just came back.
  • I’m not leaving Sarah behind. No how no way. She’s my girl for life. I made a promise and I’m keeping it. Sarah worth more than the stars
  • Right after you talk to her in ng+1 and Star the first quest, wait like 10 seconds then talk to her again, and you will get some unique dialogue. I won’t spoil it but it’s one of the best non main story/quests bound dialogues in the game.
  • I should've had my character back out of the unity, none of his friends or love, Sarah Morgan, know him but he knows them. It's extremely depressing and would be heartbreaking in real life.
  • @NoName-ui8px
    Contrary to popular belief I think that you don’t lose Sarah. If anything you get to spend infinity with her. The unity said your love/commitment for each other even influences the universe. Through the main quest and new game plus the main character meets the hunter multiple times and the emissionary which mean starboard can connect with other starborn in different universes. If Sarah chose to be reborn herself she’s from the characters same universe so she will retain her memories. So YOUR Sarah Morgan will technically be out there for you
  • @Tania-jp9dc
    Wow this is truly depressing. A videogame is supposed to be fun, specially a RPG. I really wanted to be a starborn but now i'm heartbroken with these scenes. Call me crazy but when I'm done with this playthrough I decided that they're going to live happily ever after in this universe. Then I'll create another one and I will not romance any npc until my 10th time as a starborn and then well established in that universe forever as their guardians. This ending really left me with a very bad taste, depressed and heartbroken :(
  • @WeirdViking
    Pretty sure the unity room is suppose to be full of stuff you've done and achieved in the game. like a cosmic scoreboard. It's usually so empty cause people rushed through the game
  • @VulpesChama
    What I think what I want in a future dlc is... there are companions that go with you through Unity. Sarah, Barret and Andreja (Sam maybe? But that was my playthrough and I had these three all entering Unity) You obviously lose all contacts and relations when going through Unity, as those people you meet are in fact different versions of the people you knew. Anyhow, we also know that it is possible to end up in the same Universe with People / Starborn, you've met in previous Universes. The Hunter and the Emissary being the main examples, but there's also Cora which may come to kill you or seeks a specific version of you which she wants to kill. She purposefully travels through Universes to find a very specific Starborn and she eventually succeeds. Which brings me to the point that, especially when you romanced one of those who went through Unity, you must have a chance to meet them again as Starborn.