Like it or not, he makes good movies

Publicado 2023-01-15
Like it or not, you can't deny Tarantino makes good movies. With Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill, Death Proof, Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained, The Hateful Eight and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Tarantino has almost hit his 10th movie. This video explores how his career has evolved, his approach to filmmaking, and his rise in the industry.

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @allo_es_me_sam
    Quentin’s quote on “if you love cinema with all your heart, you can’t help but make a good film” really inspired me to be that film maker. Years from now I will work my way nonstop to make those films that will inspire people the way mr Tarantino did for me.
  • @kelechi_77
    I love how you tell a story through interviews and what directors and famous people say instead of it being some video essay, I feel this is much more real and effective way of telling a real life story about a filmmaker.
  • @Remora_7
    My dad, who worked in the film industry, met Tarantino multiple times at that video store in hermosa beach. he told me that he has always held a lot of respect for Tarantino because even years after he blew up, when my dad bumped into him at an event, he remembered my dad from the video store
  • @skorpion1117
    He shows the difference between "doing it out of passion" and "doing it for the money and fame". Tarantino is 100% passion and therefore his movies are 100% quality.
  • @liennn5772
    his movies feel like a love letter to movies in general. it's like those indie games who try to pay homage to the games of the past.
  • Beautiful tribute to Quentin Tarantino. Nobody makes movies like him, and nobody can truly talk about Tarantino's movies the way Tarantino does. This is supremely edited to where you can see where he got each idea for each movie and how his ideas of side projects could morph into a full fledged feature film.
  • @ReviewWingsDSP
    He is a genius. Plain and simple. Like em or hate him, he’s one of the best.
  • @jadengabban8370
    i love how he talks about not wanting to make "out of touch old man movies", he doesn't just love films, he deeply respects them
  • @usersomething29
    I just love the fact that we live in the world where some passionate person watches all the interviews of their favorite director and puts together a mini docu-movie for other people to watch and enjoy for free. And does it in a very tasteful way. Thank you stranger, you made my day!
  • @apotsmokinjedi
    i legit thought this was a video essay on Tarantino but I'm 10 minutes in and have just now realized I've been watching interviews with him and reviews of his films. The editing you've done is phenomenal, and for someone who goes out of their way for director commentaries and interviews you've already shown multiple that I haven't seen before. Really good job man
  • I can appreciate the self awareness that Tarantino doesn't want to make "out of touch old man movies." Even with the many controversial elements of his films, they truly are masterpieces in various ways.
  • @nicosmind3
    "No one else can quite say my dialogue the way Sam does" Then along comes Christoph Waltz, and you talk about pure poetry. The first time since Shakespeare if you ask me. Saying that Cervantes was pretty dam good too
  • @Derethevil
    Don't care what people say. He makes some of the best movies to this day. I usually ALWAYS leave the cinema with a good memory if i watched a movie he made. And best of all. I enjoy rewatching his movies. Something i can not say about many other directors. Just to talk a few words with him would make my day forever.
  • @VamshiOhgs
    That's a good way to put what sort of director Quentin Tarantino is, yes his fascination with bare feets of women can be off-putting and weird to a certain degree but the man sure does know to make a film I don't think I have ever been bored while watching his films, no matter what he displays on the screen I always find it entertaining, his entire filmography is just a thrilling joyride
  • @soSkikik
    he made me love movies so he has a special place in my heart
  • @delix787
    I never did understand why the world hated Quentin Tarantino‘s movie violence? He does fun action violence! Not traumatizing realistic violence to the point where your mind literally cannot tell if you were watching something that is a real or not. There’s more violent movies out there in stupid films yet nobody cares about those? They act like he created the concept of violence in movies but it’s been around for years I just don’t understand. 🎥
  • @DOOF1
    I can tell this will be the next genre, we've gone from video essays and documentaries about a topic to a damn Movie about the topic. Thank you for getting rid of that oversaturated crap for us.
  • @brookeberesford
    I know I am late to the party but damn, this is an excellent way to do an "essay" I forgot I was watching one and I felt more like I was listening to the man tell his own story. Well done, this was a fantastic 17 mins.
  • @honeybadger1847
    While it may not be the best, "Reservoir Dogs" remains my favorite.