‘Liz Truss was graceless’: Truss loses her seat and cannot accept defeat

Published 2024-07-05

All Comments (21)
  • Good riddance. Now give the pension back Truss. You didn't earn it and you definitely didn't deserve it.
  • Appalling behaviour. Her rudeness and arrogance was staggering.
  • The only thing more crazy than Truss is the people who voted for her
  • @gt-lv3zo
    Truss has always been graceless and totally without manners or class. That's as well as being entitled and a bit bonkers. Case needs to be gone asap.
  • @simonbird8093
    When even Jacob Rees Mogg shows more class than you it's really damning.
  • She looked like she was trying to hide a seething resentment at her downfall because it was everyone else’s fault and not hers.
  • Her leaving everyone waiting to begin with was embarrassing enough but her refusing to even graciously accept defeat and congratulate her opponent was disrespectful and the way she just walked out like a dear caught in headlights shows how arrogant she was thinking it was going to be an easy win.
  • @bield7
    Even in defeat she adopts her smug default setting. Narcissism personified
  • @auroraalpha34
    I'm shocked shocked I tell you that the person chumming it up with Trump might not be a particularly good loser
  • She'll go full Trump and claim there were 15 thousand votes for her that were dumped in a nearby river
  • Who among us hasn't collapsed a nation's economy, and not wanted to say goodbye.
  • Graceless Truss is an extreme narcissist and also possiblyba sociopath.
  • @tonyb9735
    Her lack of grace only it make it funnier.
  • @budawang77
    I'm not British but am relieved you're getting rid of those vile Tories.
  • By not having sociopaths as Ministers, I think the public will be pleasantly surprised at the results.