PO #75 - Week 29

Published 2011-09-27
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.

All Comments (5)
  • @CassiePassero
    Dana Keep your head up. You are doing great and its good to see you on here telling us how the mental issues we all have.
  • @BandedSusan
    I remember going to my first lapband seminar and the doctor saying that when we lose weight, we will NOT look like a super model. (sorry for being a Debbie Downer) Stick with it. It is totally worth it in the end. Don't stop until you get to your final goal. Do you have a final goal weight? Don't ever lose sight of the final prize. You are totally worth it. What an example you are setting for your children and what better lesson you can teach them to finish what you started! Good luck!
  • @WestOzGirl013
    Tube Socks!!!! - Ha! you and me both babes :P - Oh you are SO not done girl! At least your being honest in your journey, good for you! Cute shirt! Onward!! Love ya - Mwah! xoxo
  • @juandresmom
    Watch Kellawanda's latest video about carbs... I think I will try that.