1 DAY IN NORTH KOREA (Overwhelming Experience)

Published 2018-06-18

All Comments (21)
  • "They were shooting me with fake guns, it was pretty fun to interact with the kids". Yea this dude was scared to say anything negative. I would be too.
  • @AntsDrone
    I’d never even consider stepping foot inside. You literally risked your life to show us not even 5% of this hellscape. Props to you.
  • @nikahatt
    The more positive he talked, the more unsettling and eerie the video felt. I don’t know why I was so concerned about the Bermuda Triangle as a little kid, when North Fucking Korea is the way that it is.
  • @jnasty6669
    Dudes just casually vlogging in North Korea
  • @krismm2003
    Make no mistake - these are not the North Korean People - these are the props for visitors. The countryside is where the people are; starving to survive, working day in and day out to provide resources for the props to perpetuate the facade.
  • @galaxystarrs5432
    I am getting so many chills just by watching this, its horrifying of what these people go through.
  • @BreeOlson9
    They 100% have his room bugged and he knows it
  • @darryljuan7977
    this man was trying so hard to not say anything bad i swear
  • @zakrs130
    The children reminded me of when I visited South Korea. My knowledge of the Korean language is very very limited, so when I visited Seoul, I had hoped that some people would know a little bit of English, but this wasn't the case. Almost no adults spoke English in Seoul. I guess Seoul isn't really the tourist destination that Busan or other places are, but I didn't know any better and I'm a city person. Anyway, during my visit I went to the national war museum and there were school groups visiting that day. I remember a school group coming up to me and saying Hello, I'm from Korea. And when I replied back in Korean to say I'm from the UK their faces lit up and they were so happy. They were the only people to speak English to me the entire time I was in Seoul, I really appreciated it and it helped me feel less lonely.
  • Just imagine laying down on the grass and all of a sudden these children surround you with fake guns, pretending to shoot you.
  • @kanya5629
    I’d be scared to blink in North Korea tbh
  • @arctic6650
    I can imagine this guy going to Berlin in 1937 and leasurely talking about how well the Nazis kept the streets clean, how delicious the food was and how wonderful it was that the trains ran on time. Meanwhile, the concentration/death camps were working overtime, while he's having a self described."great time"
  • @ycabonifacio2441
    stumbled upon this video, and im happy i did. i can't believe north korea still looks the same as it looked in photos even years ago. my mind can't fully grasp life there.
  • @lozang6252
    He is so careful to not say anything negative or critical. Must have been scary knowing how much trouble you can get into for a perceived wrong. Fuck that man, you're brave. I'd never go.
  • The lack of local interaction and eye contact speak a thousand words
  • @alexmetz6885
    I only saw 1 person smile in the whole video. Very telling of what it's like there. Even you weren't as cheerful as usual, and it showed.