Bag 'O Bags #shorts

Published 2022-09-28

All Comments (21)
  • Charlie after he knocked the guy out: Who needs a body bag when you can re-use this huge bag I just threw at his head
  • @heyoitzmayo
    Oh my god I have never seen anything more accurate in my life 💀
  • @firedrake110
    My family always had a bag of bags, and the day I moved out, I started my own
  • @AndiSchneider
    I seriously never thought it was weird to have a bag of bags under the sink, we had one, each set of grandparents, and all my extended family. It was the great grandparents that crocheted a contraption to hang on the wall where they put their bags, and you could just pull a bag out of the bottom. We use extra bags for everything in my house!
  • @baklavalife
    "How would you like to ask the cashier if they need a bag?" I died.
  • Me with my very own bag of bags and box of boxes. 👁 👄 👁
  • @rumrust
    “How would you like to ask the cashier, if they need a bag?” Broke me LOL
  • @DuskTheBard
    You know, there's only two things my parents managed to teach me: when there's someone in your house, you feed them, and you keep a plastic bag full of other plastic bags under the kitchen sink.
  • @bodyofhope
    And when you're mailing xmas presents, you don't need any bubble wrap. Just get your handy bag 'o bags, wrap the delicates, and stuff the rest into one of your box of boxes- good to go!
    Don't forget to mark "Fragìlè" on the package so they know it's fancy 🎁🎀
  • @rand0mly
    I was genuinely vibing with this while staring at the bag of bags in my kitchen. best thing ever
  • I can tell when I need to go grocery shopping when my bag of bags is really low.
  • @rjbgfx
    "Ask the cashier if they need a bag" got me good
  • @jetblastjim
    “Now with two body bags included, just in case.”
  • It’s scary how accurate you are about us Midwest people 😮
  • I even have a bag of bags at school to give students when they need one ☝️ 😂
  • @BoldlyGoing
    I've been watching Charlie's videos for a while and it always gets me how much I can relate to them as an Albertan. lol Can never go wrong with the trusty bag o' bags, eh