What Joan Jett's Ex-Bandmates Have Spilled About Her

Published 2023-04-08
A shy guitarist with rock goddess talent or a damaged girl with beef against her bandmates? Joan Jett may be ‘The Runaways’ iconic mysterious frontwoman but her bandmates have a lot to spill.

#JoanJett #Singers #Bands

Cherie Currie | 0:00
On her early songwriting | 1:20
Sandy West and Cherie Currie | 2:28
Runaways reunion | 3:39
Lita Ford | 4:52
Vicki Blue | 6:09
Jackie Fox | 7:26
Ricky Byrd | 8:41
Gary Ryan | 9:47
Acey Slade | 10:49

Voiceover by: Brett Olsen

Read full article: www.grunge.com/1223932/what-joan-jetts-former-band…

All Comments (21)
  • I met Joan at an airport once. I said hi as she was passing by. She stopped, flashed that awesome smile and took time to talk with me. She was so nice. My sister works for an airline. She says Joan and the band are always so gracious and kind to the fans.
  • I met Joan back when she was filming the first Runaways movie (with Peter Noone) that was never released. I came down to the Whisky on Sunset, hoping to be an extra. I think they were not needing anybody else by the time I arrived. Dejected, I went around back, and sat on a pipe railing by myself... trying to figure out how to get an autograph. After a little while, the back door opens, and Joan walks out for a cigarette break. There's no one in the parking lot but me, and she comes right up and sits next to me on the railing. She pulls out a smoke, and says "How's it goin', man?". What are the odds? I thought I was going to faint - but held it together for the five minutes we talked. Joan was so chill, considering she didn't know me at all. I was just some dude sitting out in back of the club. And, I got that autograph...!
  • @daveg7878
    I got to meet Joan years ago at University of Lowell, killing time before her gig there. She was kind, approachable and sincere. I remember it because it surprised me how this absolute rock icon could have joined my group of friends and fit right in. She is the real deal, a rock star and a really cool (and very different) person too. Can't say enough nice things about her.
  • @lindagallant5985
    Every show of Joan's that I've been to (over 200 so far), she always introduced as "We are the Blackhearts!". Never put herself above any of the other band members. She's awesome.
  • @xpicklepie
    I saw Joan Jett at the Texas Jam in 1982. She was so gracious and gave lots of praise to her band The Blackhearts. Wasn't really a fan but that sure struck me as a humble, kind gal.
  • @hughjass1044
    When I was a teenager, me and some friends used to pick up some work as extra labor at concerts. It was a great deal. We got paid 3 bucks an hour... a fortune for a teenager in those days... and you got to "see" the show for free. Well, at least what one could see from backstage, at least. More like hear it. The really big bonus though, was the big stars you got to see, or even talk to sometimes. Anyway, 1981 I think it was, Joan's outfit was touring with J. Geils and we'd just finished setting up, sound checks were done and we were just napping and relaxing waiting for the show when who walks out back with 3 pizzas and a case of Coke but Joan herself! She greeted us all, thanked us for our work and sat with us and chatted while we ate. Boy, that pizza sure hit the spot but what really impressed us, and what I've remembered until this very day, was how Joan Jett thought enough of us lowly gear haulers to bring some food out to us and chat with us for a while. And she wanted to talk about us, not herself. I always respected her for that. That was over 40 years ago and what kind of person is she today? How did she get along with other people? You know, I have no way of knowing that but all I can say is how special we all felt that she was so cool with us when she probably had a ton of other shit to do. She didn't have to do that, she wanted to. Those special few minutes of kindness will always stay with me.
  • Sandy West is the often unsung hero of The Runaways. She was a great drummer and had a unique sound that very few drummers possess.
  • @ahill4642
    I saw Joan Jett in concert in 2016. She rocked as hard as ever, looking and sounding fabulous. Her new album at the time was excellent. She gave a warm and caring shout out to our (Canadian) Micheal J. Fox whom she had toured with a little at one point and made a movie with. She was concerned when bouncers were overdoing it with a drunk guy who climbed on stage during the concert, making it clear to them she felt they needed to dial it back. Humble, kind, talented, fabulous.
  • Joan has worked tirelessly from being a young teenage girl for nearly the next 5 decades to be a serious musician, to bring her music to the people and to kick open doors for women to have the opportunity to perform their music on their own terms. Lots of female artists owe their position to Joan. Its a shame that Joan and Lita dont see eye to eye anymore but i think that is more to do with Lita's feelings than Joan's. A little envy perhaps? A beautiful woman, inside and out. Fully deserving of the Rock and roll icon status and an inspiration. Proof that if you want it, you have to go out and work for it and if you are good enough, you will get it.
  • I love Joan Jett!! I remember roller skating at the rink to this song. I miss the 80's. And the 70's. Thank you😊
  • @tommyboy6267
    Loved and still love Joan Jett. Great player and stage presence.
  • Sounds to me like she was someone who cared about the bands. But just got caught up with bad management like Elvis. It happens to alot of famous people.
  • @petebyron1957
    I ran sound for a wedding where Joan attended, (circa 94) she also sang a couple of songs. I remember her to be a very nice person who engaged me in conversation while on the buffet line.
  • @jomama5186
    I always loved the way she did her eye liner and make up. We all tried to copy it in High School.(Great time to be a teenager, that's for sure!) So cool to have a guitar playing rock star for someone to idolize. We had real power women in those days, Par Benatar included. Princess Diana got married and every young girl and teen to 20 yr old girls adored her. It was a magical time.
  • @C.Brown5150
    I've always loved her. I saw her back in 1985 or 86 at a club in Indianapolis. Had 2nd row seats and I was in heaven. ❤️
  • @SweetSourMiss
    I met Lita and her manager at a comic con. She seemed really nice and she’s still very beautiful, but conversation turned to a Orianthi and she and her manger were really dissing her playing - this was about 12-14 years or so ago when Orianthi was still very young and just becoming known. I thought it was distasteful - almost like they were jealous of Orianthi, it was weird to hear them both go on and on about a young female guitar player. Orianthi was working hard to get somewhere and was very humble back in those days. Lita seemed jealous and not very supportive. It was a turn off. Why would an older established female guitar player dis on a new upcoming talent. It was weird.
  • Joan is THE BEST! I've seen her many times through the years. She is the QUEEN OF ROCK!! She still has so much energy & puts everything into her shows. 🔥
  • @ahill4642
    🖤 Joan’s a powerhouse. As kickass today as she ever was. “A force to be reckoned with”…? I should think so, and surely that’s been the case all the way up! You don’t get to be as good as she still is in the fickle, male-dominated, ever-changing world of rock music all these years later if you’re not. I imagine that the band members who were capable of leaving their egos at the door and working as hard as she always has have had incredible and rewarding experience with her. The rest need not have applied. 🖤
  • @Nrthmnsplbnd9
    Don't forget Joan Jett & Michael J Fox in Light of Day.