The Hypnagogic Archive: An Anthology ARG

Published 2022-03-31
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The Archive:

YouTube Archive:    / @hypnagogicarchive  


Intro - 00:00

Website Description - 4:39

Call & Response - 9:01

Genetic Opportunity - 18:14

Heron Observations - 27:42

Joyce - 38:48

Longing for Something Greater - 53:59

Requiem for Steve - 1:11:00

Where Does Wastewater Go? - 1:24:01

Hidden Message & video analysis teaser - 1:29:24

Thank you all so much for watching and please let me know what you think!

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All Comments (21)
  • @lucidlullaby894
    “You know what isn’t cool or exciting?” Hair loss “That’s right, having your personal data stolen” Dammit
  • @hrh4hthegqrht203
    I think Derrick might be the most mentally powerful horror protagonist ever, the kind of chad energy required to experience a 1 week timeskip, not realise and then eat 1 week old lasagna with dill is immense
  • @steelar724
    My favorite part of Joyce is when Joyce said "it's Joycin' time" then proceeded to Joyce all over the place
  • @Lazuli901
    If there's one thing this has taught me, it's that the name 'Steve' is inherently comical and not the best choice for a scary story.
  • @deanovelvet2692
    "The bathrooms were incredibly filthy with soap all over everything." Idk man seems more than clean to me
  • @beat9903
    Oh man, here's another "I'm putting this on in the background to do chores but I sit down and get sucked in and chores don't get done" video. Appreciate your content, man!
  • @wolvie1618
    Deborah: repeatedly complains about the heron coming to life and attacking her, saying it's after her life Deborah: is found dying in a bathroom holding the heron and her face brutally pecked Everyone: "mUsT bE sUiCiDe, sHe sTabBeD hErsElF wItH tHe bEaK"
  • @otakuinred
    The stalking one hit wayyyyy too close to home. Niceguys/nicegirls really DO act like that and it's freaking terrifying. I don't blame Steve for either faking or genuinely dying because of the fact that he made EYE CONTACT with someone and it spiraled from there. Exceptionally realistic.
  • @katethielen3883
    REMEMBER if you ever have a friend get hurt, YOU will NOT be charged with underage drinking for bringing them to the hospital! Even if you are underage and drunk yourself, call an ambulance for them, because there are laws to protect you
  • I admire Derrick. “You know what would make this time warp better? A delicious dill-Lasagna.”
  • @someguy9893
    Honestly I much prefer the idea of the taxidermy heron being controlled by its own spirit, rather than being possessed by a human ghost. Herons aren't aggressive birds (they're quite shy, and so small that they usually don't pose a threat to humans) but almost all animals will lash out in aggression if they feel cornered or confused, something which is amplified if the animal suddenly finds itself in an unfamiliar and disorienting environment. The concept of an animal ghost, confused and stressed due to a combination of an unfamiliar environment and an inability to grasp the nature of its situation, lashing out at neaby people or becoming outright aggressive is a really interesting concept to me.
  • Theory: the guy from the story where the medication gave him time skips went for the trial in the same college building that was burned down in the story with the college kids exposing the men in black.
  • My favorite text is probably "Where Does Wastewater Go?" because it reads like it was written by a college student who pulled an essay out of their mystery flesh pit because they were sick and tired of that class and/or they couldn't be bothered to do the assignment properly. I can really see myself in them.
  • @zhebanelm1755
    Derek just trying to live his best life on fast forward, that's all. Still, imagine the horror of waking up and Smashmouth is new and popular.
  • @steveismyname
    Just got back from the AST conference, what a blast! I saw a nice looking girl in a short skirt there, I’m sure she’s not psycho or anything, I hope I can see her again
  • "Genetic opportunity" reminds me a lot of that creepypasta where a man undergoes a similar drug trial experience, except his perception of time slows dramatically down to where he is stuck sitting in a subway station for millions of years and is forced to experience time at absolute zero. Time is the real cosmic horror :D
  • @GCFxSN34KY
    I've only watched the first story but I have to say-This is literally narcolepsy. I have severe narcolepsy, and that sort of thing can happen a lot. Hypnogogic dreams are a side effect of narcolepsy, and they are particularly scary because for whatever reason they are indistinguishable from reality. I have had moments during work where I have started to fall asleep, but then began to have a hypnogogic hallucination that was just a continuation of my normal work day, and eventually things spiral out of control before I wake up and only 3 minutes have passed. I have even dreamed entire normal days before, only to wake up and realize that that day never happened
  • @Gloobly
    “no angel came for me, but the hat man did” is one of the coolest and most terrifying things i’ve ever heard