10 Essential Tips for Beginner Witches

Published 2024-04-17
So you want to start practicing Witchcraft? Becoming a Witch can be confusing and challenging, that's why I have compiled my 10 essential tips for beginner witches in this video. We'll talk about labels, closed practices, correspondences and more, let's go!

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00:00 - Intro
01:11 - Don't try to find a label right away
04:18 - Research the folk magic of your ancestors
06:34 - Find out your psychic gift
09:31 - Learn energy manipulation right away
11:42 - Jump right into practicing
14:38 - Don't rely on herbal correspondence books
19:53 - Don't become wrapped up in the aesthetic
22:49 - Ignore people making up rules
26:25 - Don't settle with Witchcraft books
31:04 - Learn about closed practices and cultural appropriat

All Comments (21)
  • @amandapelland
    Initially I cringed at 'another beginner witch video' 🙄there's so many videos, live streams, books, podcasts and online sources already. However, and sincerely, great topics covered in your video and well said. I'm impressed! Thank you for not rehashing the same thing over again that's already out there. Well done!
  • @witchofverdure
    Eight years into my practice and I still don't have a label for myself past "witch". One of my biggest tips is to look in your kitchen/spice cabinet before running to the metaphysical/spiritual store. Going off that - buy at the grocery store; it's normally FAR cheaper. I lived near Salem, MA for almost a decade, and I can't tell you how many people think they NEED to buy ingredients in Salem. Cinnamon sticks are cinnamon sticks. Table salt can be programmed into witch's salt. It doesn't need to be labeled "magickal" to work
  • @AudOddly
    I’m not a beginner witch (practicing for about 9 years in) however, I love coming to beginner witch videos when I’m coming out of a rut. I have not been able to actively practice in MONTHS, this resparked me thank you! It’s so freeing to let yourself be a beginner again 🖤
  • One of my tips is go with your own about consumerism. Don’t spend your money on things if you absolutely need it and one of my pet peeves is people praying on that so just be careful. Also don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty through trial and error
  • My tip would be to keep your stuff away from your animals. My dogs like to eat my candles, oils, and sadly my runes. I've lost multiple sets. :( It can be dangerous for them as well if they eat something toxic.
  • Excellent advice as always! I'll add a little of my own perspective, as someone who likes shiny things I was always dazzled by the fancy stuff at shops or online and yes buying such things can certainly help to build up your, tool kit, lets say. With time however it has become clear to me that there are simply more ways to work Will than any specific set of rules or tools can accurately cover. Whats more I believe the particular way each individual works with the spirit can have profound but easily overlooked influence on ones practice and overall success. So perhaps if one were looking for a wand and had a natural talent with the sense of touch, they could buy several perfect looking wands and find something lacking... Then one day you're taking out the garbage, you pick up a broken broom handle and something clicks, something about the weight, the texture, the way the moonlight catches in the flaking lacquer, it seems absurd but somehow your wand got stuck in an old bit of junk! You could deny this absurdity and finish taking out the trash but you could also take a moment to clean off the old broomstick, sand down the splinters and oil the wood til it shines properly again. Haha, why is this making me tear up? I swear I'm such a trash wizard..... But it works for me and my collection of wands, staves and talismans are as powerful as any other I've encountered. Understanding my own "rules", ethics you could say, has been key to my spiritual success, I know now that my own desire to give aid to the lost and abandoned and show gratitude to the unappreciated has created something of an emotional wellspring inside of me, sometimes it really feels like I, really we, can do the impossible.
  • @The_PinkHeadedBW
    this tip is coming from a baby witch herself, if you have 50/50 support from your family or friends. about your practice, do not give up your practice. everyone comes from different walks of life, family or not. there allowed to have their practices, and your allowed to have yours. just be respectful about it and have conversations without belittling each other. it's okay as adults to agree and or disagree with family or friends. if it is not safe to be out in the open than don't, you can only asset your situation and go from there. I would say that if the other person cannot be respectful towards you than either drop the conversation or don't speak to the person. family or not. always set firm boundaries and then move on and be happy :) <3.
  • @CoffeeDropping
    these are in your video already i guess, but "make educated decisions" is a very important one. learn early why things are used (correspondences/reason to include it in a spell) and then decide if that works for you and also to be confident in when things don't work. also i would say put quality over quantity. if you try a spell, make sure you actually benefit from it. i remember times when people said "practice everyday" but in my opinion, if your heart isn't in it, it's not worth the energy. but i guess that is also why i wouldn't identify as a witch. i dabble, but i don't need to work that many spells in my life.
  • @Nope-bm1ht
    I'd like to share a quote from a polish poem that I love in regards to my practice, just sth that reminds me that you don't have to look far or think "exotic": Cudze chwalicie, swego nie znacie Roughly translated: You praise the unknown, you don't even know what you own (P.S. Love your videos❤)
  • Here's my tip! I've consumed a LOT of beginner witch content, and I wish that ANY of them had said this: When magick practitioners talk about 'energy' or a 'vibration', they mean a mental/emotional/subtle-plane feeling. They DON'T mean something externally measurable like electricity. I was hung up on this misunderstanding for YEARS!
  • @silentm0th
    Phsyic witch thing here: im mostly a like "sensing a a shift in energy" person and then I go to divination. But I am also developing this ability where I close my eyes and meditate and the spirit I'm working with shows me things. I think I need to work on working through my own energy vs theirs. Cuz I keep seeing the same things, which I think might be me. But yeah 👍🏻
  • I'm so glad you mentioned Hutton. I took a class on witchcraft at my college from a witchcraft historian and they heavily encouraged us to read Hutton as he is kind of like THE witchcraft scholar. We read his book The Witch in that class and he is a fantastic researcher
  • @shinymist
    I love how you included the tip to not go buy a bunch of things! I am many years into my practice and my alter is still a bag of five small rocks that I can set up anywhere, and my workings consist of ingredients I find wherever I am working. No fancy setup or tools needed! I feel like adding things will actually make it harder for me to practice. For beginners starting out, you don’t need to buy anything, you can accumulate over time if you want but you may find you don’t need to!
  • @tracysoteriou
    This is great. Especially the point about crystals and candles. I use stones I collect in nature on walks, and tea-lights. Oh my, Loki loves the tea-lights, he melts them 😂. Great video. Thankyou ❤
  • @Curtis488
    I wish I had this advice when i first got started in magic
  • I wish I had this video when I started. Learning to overcome fear mongering was so difficult. Especially now I work with darker spirits and entities. I had to be aware of fear mongering, not only from inside the occult community but just in (American) culture too, with horror movies of people commanding or being possessed by the demons of Solomon and other similar things. Growing up Christian, there’s a lot of shame that existed in me around worshipping other gods and/or spirits. I’ve been a pagan since I was a kid, I’ve realized. But there was a lot of fear in me, thinking my life would shatter if I truly believed that the gods were real. But I asked for signs from the gods and they sent me signs back, so it made it hard to really believe that God in the Bible is the only one that existed.
  • Am binge watching your videos since yesterday and let me jst say, you are the only one I found, with whom I can resonate sm and like relate so much. So thank ❤
  • I'm finding that I love working with crystals and I'm attracted to rune magic. Your videos are very enlightening on the subject.
  • I used to have tons of witchy supplies that I bought just to have when I first started practicing. I eventually lost everything in a house fire, which forced me to rebuild my entire collection, at a time when money was tight because I had to buy new versions of everything I’d owned. So I’ve had to only buy stuff I actually have a plan for. And I feel a lot better about it. I still accumulate candles, but a lot slower lmao. And I don’t have tons of random empty jars sitting around for jar spells I’ll never do.