VSG - Weird habit, not feeling restriction, baggy shirts

Published 2017-03-03
Just some random thoughts!

All Comments (8)
  • Can't give up my scale and I know it...It's DREADFUL how much the scale controls my mood...loved your video...I totally "get you"...TOTALLY!
  • @jonthatsme3840
    I weigh in several times a day just to see how my body processes food and exercise... more for curiosity. I wouldn't call ya weird for adding a few pounds though I guess if it were me, I'd question why I do that. There's this part of my brain that is waiting for the other shoe to drop just because I am doin well at the moment and it's just based on a bit of fear... from past regain or "what if I do something wrong". That feeling is getting better as I go forward on the journey but it does pop in to mind from time to time. It's all so damn surreal at times. lol I, like you, don't feel much hunger at all so I eat by schedule. It works... and I have to admit, I don't miss hunger. The biggest challenge is head hunger as food has always been my bandage with emotions. Looking forward to the random selection of things ! :D Have a great weekend, Robert !
  • Great info on the hernia and panniculectomy... making a mental note as I have a hernia as well... I understand about the restriction or lack thereof...kind of wish I never got hungry anymore lol
  • @HayleysCorner
    I don't think you're insane for weighing yourself and then adding a few pounds - but I think you should start trusting your body and trusting in the fact that even if you did gain a couple of pounds it would just be a fluctuation and would fall right back off. I've really tried hard to avoid the scales because I was a more than once a day weigher too last time I lost weight so I can relate to what you're saying. I can relate to you on not feeling hungry too, although I'm less than two weeks out haha, so it may come for me still I suppose. Thank you for the "fun advice". I will take that on board. :P
  • well first of all I would like to say congratulations on your decision to have weight loss surgery I wish you nothing but success and happiness maybe one of these days when you're not so busy you can come over too much on the one following me on my weight loss journey and if you do feel free to hit the Subscribe button when you come because I will be doing the same also for its good support thank you
  • @VSGBrittBratt
    Hey you! Hmmmm...are you insane....probably not....crazy....probably, but that would make you about as crazy as anyone else I suppose. We all do weird shit, lol, some of us admit to them and some of us dont. You add weight, possibly due to past weight issues...hehe, what a shocker for us to have past weight issues, lol. I think that you will get to point where you wont need to add weight on, but I also understand why you do it. If you gain or stall, you are already prepared for it. I get it. its like you are preparing for the inevitable gain, and eventually you will see that isn't necessary, but until then, if its not causing any harm and it does your brain some good, have at it! Do your crazy up, lol.