Introduction to the OnePSG Alpha Prototype

Published 2024-05-28
This is the first look at the fully functional prototype of the OnePSG pedal steel guitar.
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All Comments (21)
  • @picker63028
    As a pedal steel player I can definitely see the value of this invention. It's genius. But as a modeling amp user I worry about the dependence on electronics for operation. I've suffered several equipment failures with modeling amps. I do love the tuning changes and ability to experiment with various pedal routing options. Your sound demo was fantastic.
  • @jerryhorton5708
    This is absolutely intriguing. As a guitarist who would very much like to learn pedal steel, I can easily see myself buying this instrument. The ability to change tuning or use a virtual capo on the fly is incredible!
  • @lerb21
    Alan, this is fascinating. This is the first I've heard of your project. I had started envisioning something similar to what you're doing here about two years ago. My idea was not quite as grand as yours. The basic concept was to retain the physical raising and lowering of the strings via the changer, only to have it done through servo motors. Obviously the knee levers and pedals would then become digital, as yours have done. So you could get rid of most of the undercarriage and save on a good bit of weight, and have a programmable copedent, albeit much more limited in scope than yours. So you'd still be getting an entirely "analog" sound (at least to the extent of what is transmitted by the guitar's output jack), which as you and I know, is something that the Pedal Steel community tends to hold dear. For whatever my opinion is worth, I am all for this innovation, and will be anxiously awaiting any developments.
  • @soyginna
    Fantastic! This will be a must have on any big recording studio!
  • @gosteelman
    Wow. This changes everything. I want one but in a 12 string.
  • @davidmorgan3450
    Oh my God you're going to take all the pedal steel guitar companies out of business with that thing incredible how much for that puppy in the window
  • @PFrei900
    Absolutely remarkable! Can tone be altered/adjusted to emulate different steel/amp/pickup combinations we're familiar with? For instance Emmons P/P, single coil pickup, Fender Twin Reverb with JBL's, a favorite of mine, and others I'm sure.
  • @SS_Psyops
    So this is per string pickup output with pitchshifters on each out? I’ve been messing with this in a low level way by using a submarine pickup, and a/b/y switch into a whammy pedal, but obviously there’s major limitations and issues. I would need to use the big PU with all 6 outs, then have them ran through a brain that could set each individual pitch shift to 100% wet for this to even work somewhat correctly…. It’s been on my mind as a sort of hybrid option for a lap. Probably more trouble than it’s worth for me tho, after watching Kayton Robert’s play I’m a little confused as to why one would even need it :)