7 Levels Of Video Game Addiction...

Published 2023-09-21

All Comments (21)
  • @Cojorus
    From ages 7-14 I spent 15+ hours a day gaming until I started getting some friends and realized how much more fun the world was than sitting in your room
  • @carterpipp5405
    I was very addicted to video games for a while. However, I was the quietest gamer ever. Most of the rage was just bottled in until I could take it out on a punching bag I had in the yard. Good times
  • @ragerz75
    Thanks this was the wake-up call I needed. Tbh when you get to levels 5+ it’s not even fun anymore and you just wonder how it got to such a point
  • @genesiszero5016
    I used to be a level 7 just last year, I can say I am now in the middleground between level 2 and 3. I used to spend about 14+ hours a day playing games, cause I am in online college, and the only reason I used to be like this was due to online "friends". When i cut all ties with them in December, that was the best decision for me ever. I stopped playing games all day, started doing my own hobbies more, studying more, got a job in my career, went from 205 lbs to 147 lbs, am not depressed or suicidal anymore. While sad to say all my ex friends are still stuck at level 6 and 7 and all are unhappy. Don't let gaming take over, and delete discord is what I have learned, almost everyone on there is a time waster, and will just make you fall right back into gaming. Go make some irl friends and go out with them and do something.
  • @rowan404
    When I was in middle school, I had a friend who was level 6. He would spend every waking hour playing video games. Even when we were on FaceTime, he would ignore me in favor of whatever game he was playing. Eventually, I cut contact with him because he ghosted me in favor of playing video games. (He never answered my texts, and whenever I tried to call him, he’d tell me he was busy playing TF2 and would talk to me later, then hang up.) I hope he straightened out his life because he was on his way to level 7. He even had a shirt that said, “I must go. Video games need me!” When I could actually talk to him (usually when we played a multiplayer co-op game), he was a kind, creative, and funny kid. I hope he didn’t completely succumb to his addiction.
  • @Cool1350
    Something i love about me is that i find rage hilarious, so everytime i rage just laugh at my self and it brings down
  • I'm somewhere between level 2 and level 3, I play every day during lunch break at work and often play a little before and/or after work. But gaming is just a small part of my day. During 2020-2021, I was level 4 (minus the raging), I spent lots of time gaming because there really was nothing else to do.
  • @LiminalyMillie
    I’m level eight without chaos and self care neglect, and yes, I do eat healthy food, but video games is literally a part of me
  • @iamthatcool
    Used to be level 4-6 around elementary to middle school. I was the tablet kid. Almost everywhere i go, i always bring my crappy Android tablet and play almost every Angry Birds game that ever existed lmao. In college now; drastically decreased to level 1. Hell, i mostly do game development now than actually play games. My social skills has vastly improved as well. Balance is key, folks.
  • @Throbbin_hood156
    From 6-14yr old i was always glued to a game. I was a 7 all day until I realized how much time I was wasting not taking care of myself. I look back and hated that version of me, but now im more a 2 and play for fun
  • @renegroulx7029
    The levels of Youtube-video addiction , level 5 , finding this channel and watching most of it.
  • @azuresstuff2363
    I had this one friend who got so addicted when corona happened (and still after) that he wouldn’t even go outside his house to hang out with the homies, so addicted he literally dropped out of high school to play more games, so addicted he basically disappeared. It sucked because he was actually a really good friend. I wish he never had this happen
  • @Theatlascreates
    My mom told me that my dad clocked up more than 1 year’s worth of World of Warcraft in 5 years back in the early 2000’s. He would wake up at around 3 am and grind until maybe 11 pm. Every. Freaking. Day. This was before I was even born!
  • @mrgopnik5964
    I think troughout my life I’ve been alternating between lvl 0-3 as sometimes the internet was bad and I got bored by games rather easily. The only points in time when I went above and beyond was when I got introduced to Souls games. I even got to lvl. 7 for about a month, when I bought Elden Ring. I had just finished my high school exams and was waiting for results, so I had nothing to study for (probably for the first time since I was a first grader) and my parents were on a holiday in Dubai and my brother still had school, so I was mostly home alone, meaning that I dedicated the whole day to this game, with only short lunch breaks and the mandatory bike ride around the park, to unwind from the rage. I had never felt so free in my life… then the results came, turned out I had to improve some grades at retake, then I had to study for entry exams and now I’m in a different country, studying medicine. Meaning my levels are back down to 0-1
  • @jocysatu1038
    When i was like 8 years old i had that 7th stage of gaming addiction i always missed food I don't even have a care to myself just to see myself get in a high rank or smth but i quit that kind of habit a year later since it's blocking my study times and now I'm 13 i balance my time accordingly and i play 3-5 hours of gameplay and yes I don't miss out on any events happening whether in real life or in game. Very cool.
  • I dont play every day, but when i do its between 6-8 hrs. When i "rage" i just swear under my breath, i have never yelled or broke something over a game
  • @Bitepills
    The best moments in gaming where having friends who had to come over to play games local is so great
  • when a guy is getting get stressed just because of a game, its time to search for a job and get stressed for something real
  • @Squids575
    For about 6 years now i have been at about level 5-6 and get about 14 hours of playtime if i have nothing better to do that day, and maybe like 4-6 hours if i do go out and do something and while I do play way more often than I should, the one place I think I have really improved is getting control over my rage. I used to be at a point where if I was playing with a friend and died I would literally start yelling at them through the mic and insulting them. I have luckily though been able to improve myself and scarcely get mad at video games anymore. Even if I do it usually just ends up with me murmuring to myself about what is making me mad. Moral of the story is don't rage.