What If A Coming Recession & Bear Market Are The LEAST Of Our Worries? | John Rubino

Published 2024-07-16
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History is full of examples where nations resorted to taking on ever-increasing amounts of debt to maintain a positive economic growth rate.

But it never works out well for those who do. Most often, they end up sacrificing the purchasing power of their currencies in the process.

Many analysts are now raising such concerns about the fast growing national, corporate and consumer debt pile in the US and other G7 nations.

Are we repeating the mistakes of history? Or is it truly different this time?

To discuss, we're fortunate to welcome monetary and macro analyst John Rubino, author and co-author of numerous books including The Money Bubble with James Turk.

John sees concerns of a near-term recession and bear market as valid, but fairly pedestrian. He’s much more worried about the next 1-2 decades, over which he predicts widespread hardship as the world’s fiat currencies get inflated away.

#debtcrisis #marketcorrection #recession

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All Comments (21)
  • @trina2100
    I just realized why I enjoy this channel so much. Adam has guests that I want to hear from but at the same time I don't mind at all when he cuts in and shares his opinion of things as well. He always chimes in with an analogy that helps to better understand what the guests is trying to relate. Most other channels I just want the host to shut up and let the guest speak lol. Great show guys!
  • I at this very moment I'm sitting in my car in line at a food bank. Food bank as in food for poor people. The line just keeps getting longer every week.
  • @bp5662
    I like the way Rubino and Pento scare the hell out of me. I always click.
  • Adam is correct ... Recessions are painful ... but a natural occurrence in a business cycle, each time you avoid it by manipulation you create a bubble ... all bubbles burst eventually ... and no one knows where and when the top is
  • @marsmotion
    uh this market is so rigged by big players and hft trading that being a small fish shorting is a nightmare. advocating that is nuts. really bad. most people should just buy gold and uranium and other commodities and protect themselves from the inflation tsunami that way. maybe buy the consumer corps that people have no choice to buy weekly. energy stocks too. if your not a trader with your face in charts all day long forget being clever with stupid things like shorts.
  • it is a good thing I ended up studying Economics as a focus, in large part due to the professors who taught it, and also that it made me realize academics in the early 1980's was not for me. I find someone like John Rubino tells the truth and I do want to know the least of our worries, though I am not a worrier, I am an optimist if we do a paradigm shift and are not fearful. Thank you.
  • @JohnTaylor-ts8wk
    Adam - your narrative of the high post-covid turnover misses the most critical point: Working conditions were awful at that time. Teachers went back and forth between in-room vs remote at the last minute, service employees had to mask, not talk to coworkers even on break, and were asked to enforce masking on reluctant customers, workloads soared as pay went nowhere and friends lucky enough to get layoffs earned more money, etc. Office workers had it easy, they got to enjoy nice, cushy remote work (I was one of those). I had friends and family who couldn’t put up with things any more and quit in teaching, hospitals, consumer retail, and commercial tile installation.
  • Always a struggle to discern Doom Porn from solid research per the economy. Thoughtful Money is much better than most…. 80% is now Doom Porn for sure!
  • "It never rains, but when it does it pours". Why is this happening? Partly because of foreign policy punitive measures, production cost increases and most important uncontrolled price rises based on profits only. Very good subject and guest. Thank you both.
  • @lustgarten
    Parabolic doesn't mean vertical. It is a geometric figure that describes an up and down.
  • @bleshjjdnit
    Your reporting and analysis is at the top of its class and is presented with clarity. Your investigative skill is bringing hope for the future of our country
  • John Rubino has been singing the same song for over 15 years. Anyone who acted on his predictions lost money. Don’t believe me, do your own research. There are plenty of John’s old interviews on YouTube. Take what he says with a grain of salt.
  • @jwilliam2255
    The discussion regarding large increases in electric power generation and distribution is a little misleading. While copper is very important in the electricity and electric device industry generally, all high voltage, direct current, electric transmission lines use aluminum rather than copper for a variety of reasons. In short, aluminum is just better for power transmission all the way from the generating plant to the supply lines buried in the street in front of your house. Inside your house, copper is preferred because it is easier to work with. Of course, aluminum can be used safely with proper components and a properly trained electrician. When copper prices get high enough, single family home and small apartment construction does switch to aluminum lines to reduce costs.
  • @gcc849
    BRILLIANT, absolutely brilliant… Thank you so much to both of you
  • @mjbucar
    The backdrop wall behind Adam Taggart ALWAYS looks like a SNAKE ! ... a VERY OMINOUS icon !!!!