Indigo Park and Criticism: How to and How NOT to.

Published 2024-07-10
I love this game. Rambley likes trains so it's an automatic 100% for me.


0:00 - Cold Open
0:32 - Context & Opinions
3:58 - The Criticisms
8:30 - The Segway to the Obvious Subject..
8:53 - Him.
10:42 - Why?
13:57 - What's Next? + Outro
14:24 - Credits


Indigo Park by ‪@UniqueGeese‬
   • The Rights and Wrongs of Indigo Park   by ‪@GlamrockDusky‬
   • INDIGO PARK Leaves Much to be Desired   by ‪@Daggz‬
   • No Theft King, Indigo Park is NOT a G...   by @relolyn
   • A Rambley Review of Indigo Park   by @theftking

All Comments (21)
  • @Cronosonic
    The first chapter is a free, short game made by a single dude with some helpers on the side without a proper budget. The fact that it's so relatively polished and charming regardless speaks volumes of the potential the game has, and it absolutely needs people providing constructive critique so the full game can get as close to its full potential as possible.
  • @Momo_Minomo
    My main issue with the way some people have criticized the game (especially that "higher standard" comment) is that they're reviewing the game like they paid full price for it. They're complaining about reused assets and some bare sets/skyboxes when this was a essentially a student indie project on a shoestring budget they had no intention of charging for to act as a proof of concept so they could get funding to start their career in game development. Chapter 1 is a demo that went above and beyond what anyone has a right to expect from a free demo. We should absolutely give constructive feedback but we should all save the nitpicking and set building criticisms for when chapter 2 comes out and we all pay for it. Even then, though, let's keep price point in mind. I'm not going to expect a $20 or $40 dollar game to live up to AAA $70 game standards.
  • Only watched the first 6 minutes, but want to get a thought out. I played the game on a live stream and the bit where Theft King points out the camera is too low (and joking that we are short) I made the sort of headcanon or theory that the the reason for that is, we are looking from the perspective of a camera and not the player characters' eyes. My arguments for that are the fact its a a game set in the modern day where bodycams exist of the highest quality, and not analgue videotape camcorders of the pre-2000's. Our character is also suggested to have a history of urban exploring prior to the events of Indigo Park. So it stands to reason they may be recording thier adventures, like urban explorers tend to do. Also on the flashlight thing, I also tested this on stream and the player character IS holding the torch correctly and comfortably.
  • a big problem i have with some others criticisms about the game is that it seems people are forgetting this is chapter 1 its the introduction to the series, not everything is going to be fleshed out or used a lot right away also its one developer doing his best, some people are too hard on him (when delivering the criticism) bc i think they dont realise that hes the main (the only?) coder
  • @fzxfzxfzx
    surprised to get this recommended Theft king is annoying, all the fnaf community drama is such a haze to me now but just knowing that such an inconsequential annoying drama happened just makes me avoid watching him even if indigo park is no masterpiece I respect uniquegeese for carrying out such a project. he could’ve stuck w that one banban remake where by making it he basically said “even a college student like me can make a better version of this unworthy garbage”, but no. he’s choosing to embark on a larger project w more ambitions. rambley has much more unironic genuine charm than the ironic funny brain rot charm that jumbo josh has. the banban developers are kind of grifters in that regard and i honestly wish they were not successful off of this grift because of how it contaminates the indie horror landscape but whatever everyone needs to make the bag
  • @GlamrockDusky
    great video! 🧡 interesting to hear about the flashlight thing!
  • I genuinely love Indigo Park, Rambley is absolutely adorable. The only critique I have is that the build up to certain parts were just out of nowhere. I understand that Uniquegeese had a limited budget so I'm sure they'll definitely make it better. The main point I'm referencing is when the path behind us right before Rambley's Railway fell apart. That felt just thrown in and artificially a way to make the protagonist in universe stuck in the park. That's just my opinion but I genuinely love the game and I'm so excited to see where it goes... I want more Rambley!
  • This is also something that has extremely frustrated me No one has been willing to watch even one of uniques streams about the game Alot of problems I've heard about the game, mason has already discussed and talked about But NO ONE will even try to see if he has and immediately say alot of harsh stuff I'm glad finally someone checked out his streams for more info about the game
  • @alexcole9325
    You went about this very professionally and fairly. It isn't perfect, yes, but it has so much potential. Chapter 1 is a glimpse at what could be, UniqueGeese even said that the Rambley Rush arcade is more a proof of concept. As far as I can see: the music slaps, Rambley is adorable, and the game has so much care and passion put into it and I'd love to see where it goes. Any issues can be fixed out!
  • @Acefdiamonds
    You are the first person i've seen that caught it wasn't Tuesday when rambley says it rambley Tuesday
  • @Perdix64
    Bro, I’ve got to say, you have a powerful looking mustache.
  • @BeanieBabyXx
    People definitely have an aversion to theft king since the fnaf drama. I personally didnt think any of it was really that deep though I also cant say that i kept up with everything that happened. I stopped watching him mainly because his reviews just got annoying and he just followed. I didnt watch all of indigo park because i have the attention span of a squirrel but i watch uniquegeese and i know that he has so much passion about his game. Most criticism of the game can be reasoned with and i only hope Mason gets to make a brilliant game once he gets his footing with life after college.
  • Indigo Park as it is now is a proof of concept. The gameplay isn't meant to be anything special, you're just going through a linear series of rooms with some puzzles sprinkled in, but the puzzles aren't the point. It's to show the world that UniqueGeese is setting up here, the characters and some worldbuilding. And it's likely that some parts of the game's theme will be changed - you can tell that there are bits and pieces of experimentation, like Rambley's constantly-shifting movement style (done by I think six different animators) or that portal-esque arm the monitor in the gift shop is on, that might be changed in the future. And for sure a lot of sounds, models and animations are likely placeholders, because again this isn't meant to wow you with revolutionary gameplay or impressive software, it's just meant to get you into the story that it wants to tell. That's why it's important to look at it like that, rather than like a completed project by a funded and staffed studio. And it is good at what it's supposed to do.
  • @TindraSan
    I honestly just feel like the hand holding the flashlight shouldn't be visible at all, or at least not as visible as it is currently. when holding your flashlight like that irl the hand is only barely within your field of vision which makes sense bc it's placed right next to your head. I think it would have been less distracting if the hand model wasn't bouncing so much and/or had a bit of a blurry filter on it to give that feeling of it being out of focus bc it's not the thing you're supposed to be focusing on
  • @JF-um3wz
    I’ll say this, the points on Mason going through college, being a new dev, and wanting to go back and fix it (especially in the face of the kickstarter happening), the need to share criticism now is important, so I don’t mind it being harsh as long as criticisms are valid. This is an important and fundamental development period, so any changes that need to be made for the future should be called out sooner rather than later if they impact the game beyond chapter 1, before they’re too far along to fully overhaul.
  • @Jaidyn228
    Conrailfan76 and Indigo park. A positive combination I never thought possible
  • @AmewTheFox
    11:21 Now, this is my first contact with this man, so I am being a bit presumptuous on assigning intent, but I would probably guess the "punchline" is "furries cringe, please clap" Which I would only credit with actually working if their audience consisted of people who time traveled fifteen years into the future. Great video, incidentally. I loved the part at the end with a semi-cover of Rambley Review. Goodness knows I have all the lyrics memorized.