Go Cosmo! - Planet Bees

Published 2024-03-19
Welcome to the second episode, or shall I say, the second planet that our Cosmo will attempt to conquer, proudly planting its beautiful flag.πŸš€
Will he succeed? Mmm... I have some doubts.
I hope you're enjoying this new mini-series of mine.
The idea is to create many short and absurd space missions and add each new mini-episode to the previous one.
Thus, gradually, we will have a long space adventure exploring the habitable universe.

Fun fact: I've decided not to use fictional names for the various worlds Cosmo will explore; in fact, the names belong to real exoplanets considered, more or less, suitable for life development.

Remember to leave a comment; your support is the true propellant of this spaceship!
Have fun 😎

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