let's talk about isolation

Published 2023-09-17
hang with me for a bit so we can be isolated together

All Comments (21)
  • @advikshan
    This is Daniel's way to be a therapist without actually being a therapist
  • @SomeOddSpecimen
    Daniel, shower thoughts, and mowing grass. Amazing combo.
  • @DoctorX17
    I hope this becomes a regular thing -- these talks really do help me. They make me think, make me breathe... Make me introspective. So much other content just tickles the funny or only engages my thoughtful side on the sciences/engineering side, but this makes me think about ME, which is so, so important... Thanks for these, Daniel
  • @SnowInApril
    This has actually genuinely helped me a lot. I struggle with self-discipline. i do unity (unfortunately) work and sometimes i simply just stop, i get distracted so often or often forget completely, sometimes i'll open up a project i've been working on and immediately close it. It's so simple yet but the idea of simply putting down a 30 minute timer like you mentioned at 14:20, and especially simply listening and playing/creating along with you in this 30 minute video has got me to simply sit down and work on my creative process. Thanks Daniel, wishing you the best!!
  • @Bowtiedhillbilly
    Ah yes, the famous Spider-Man quote: "With great power, comes great rebuhbuhbuly." Inspiring. On a serious note, thanks for these videos Daniel. I just started college, all my close friends are going elsewhere, many of them far elsewhere, and I've been thinking a lot about isolation, and finding the balance between finding time to be alone and being lonely. Thank you very much.
  • @basil1531
    I also have social anxiety. My isolation isn't purposeful, I more call it loneliness. I find it hard to make deep connections (or at least friends that we would go out of the way to hangout; more than friends that just say hi when we're conveniently around each other). Really clicking with people is a lot more difficult than "going out more" (though that's scary as well and initiating interactions with new people take massive amounts of energy), and I've come to see actual friends as a super rare roll of the dice. Socializing is so difficult.
  • @udonmessedup
    Really enjoying the 30 mins of casual content. Keep up the good work!
  • @shaartmcl
    Hey dude, your shorts have brought tons of laughs and joy - but I think these long form deep conversation videos are going to do exactly what you were craving. Making a real difference. Usually these conversations are rare moments in our lives, but this format allows us to engage with the ideas if we choose to take the time. Love it. Thank you.
  • @eggyolk.no1
    I’ve been watching Daniel for the longest time. I kinda grew up watching his videos with my friends for the past few years. It really just makes you think like how different this is from his normal videos. How he’s just talking to us. I think it’s so funny how if he wasn’t doing this I wouldn’t be able to fathom that he is an actual person with deep thoughts who puts so much effort into his work. When I was younger I would watch Daniel with my friends being like ‘Oh! It’s funny piano guy’. Now it’s more at least for people watching this stuff. The idea of videos and content being so unedited is pretty unheard of now. And I guess it’s just special hearing a creator talk this deeply about something that we all experience. Idk man
  • @MannnisEi
    "I had to drive 5 minutes to get to a starbucks" is the most LA way to describe an out-of-way place
  • @DutchPatterson
    Thank you for making these. They've helped me with my own anxiety and isolation-depression. It's amazingly therapeutic for a content creator to sit down, for half an hour, and talk about these things which I struggle with too.
  • @nullgato
    I find myself on the extreme side of the spectrum where isolation long ago stopped being a tool for creativity and started becoming everything I am. Sometimes I won't talk to anyone in days and I can barely hold a text conversation without wanting to nope out of it after a few minutes. And the relationship with myself has stopped being one of productivity or being in touch, it's toxic and regressive. You're right though, for a long time being isolated had me achieving the best things I've ever accomplished and if it's used correctly it gives you the space to be the "you-est you" and create your truest artworks. But reaching the extreme of that is probably the point it becomes a disorder and it can make living really miserable sometimes. It can turn you into a miserable person. Especially when it's forced isolation like my case is, a city with no friends or family with no vehicle in a city that has a time limit where it's safe to walk in. Not sure why I vented about this here, maybe I just wanted to feel heard or something idk. At any rate, love these little casual talks. 😊
  • @dokhtK25
    "this comes from a guy who talks to himself for a living." I wish I could find a way to make a living out of that too because that's what I do all day. I think I'm on the destructive end of this isolation spectrum. Those meetings with self, self therapy, is what I do all the time to point that they have filled the void of not having friends. I have become my own friend and my own therapist and that's what I need to work on. Finding actual friends, working on my social skills. 26 is a weird age to make friends from scratch but I'm trying to find a way... I said it on your last talk and I'll say it again, in this world full of shallow content I'm extremely proud that my favourite content creator is someone with such profound thoughts who is always trying to raise his progress bar. I really wish you could be my real friend, lol, we'd have so much in common to bond over, haha... Thanks for this video
  • @gracewise5090
    Something my therapist taught me is isolation fuels isolation. The longer you completely isolate yourself, the harder it is stop. That being said, I also agree it is important for your mental health and your creativity to cut out the noise regularly. It's also so important to check in. I think for me, I often hide behind the guise of "I'm being productive in my creative endeavors by locking myself in my room all day, every day." When that's only part of it. The other part is me just being anxious about going out. But it really is about that balance, like you're saying. You need self time as well as people time. I'm also a Christian, and the Bible says "It is not good for man to be alone." I believe we're not created to go through life alone, you need people for a myriad of reasons, your sanity being one of them.
  • I love living by myself, but I definitely have learned that I need to balance it with not just leaving the house but leaving the house and connecting with people in a meaningful way. When I get really busy, I can easily go months without any meaningful human interaction, only leaving the house to get groceries, and then wonder why I am sad.
  • @emmanueljamir
    I'm a sketch comedy creator myself. Tuned into the last one and dropped everything to tune into this one. Love these videos, man!
  • @RachelHardy
    this is my new favourite series. So incredibly validating. I'm still trying to get out of isolation since moving to the US. I found isolation was helpful for my creativity at first but these days it's beginning to cause my creativity to fully break down & the burnout is kicking in.
  • @masindalee
    Thank you 🙏🏼 loved this. Loving the format. Not too preachy at all , felt like a chat with a good friend
  • @Ki-KisWorld
    I feel like it’s easier to talk to a camera, then to talk to like a whole crowd of people
  • @delsings
    From what I understand about the different types I'm an ambivert? I can do alright with events, crowds, etc, but it wears me out and then I spend a long while recouping. My health tanked me enough to keep my business on pause for 5 years now (Usually I make art and custom fursuits), so I've become heavily isolated and hermited especially once march 2020 happened. Partly what likely got me so unwell was working too much while suffering burnout but that's a whole other thing. During this time my depression and anxiety have swelled into agoraphobia, so I been diving into music and learning how to sing better. You hit the nail on the head with isolation bringing out focus and creativity, even during more social years of past I always focused way better creatively on my own. Awesome video dude, thank you for these. Rootin for ya