Recovering from Eating Disorders & Weight Loss

Published 2019-07-30
It's been 13 years since having my first experience with eating disorders. Today, I'm so proud to be able to say that I'm in a much better place, but I had to get worse to get better. I know it's only going to go up from here, so I hope you follow along!

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All Comments (7)
  • Please don’t stop your video ! U inspire me in lots of ways ! I am an Asian just like u n having almost the same pressure like u since childhood with low metabolism! N been depending on laxative all my life ! I’m starting to quit now , this is my 4th day n I’m so blessed to have found ur videos today ! Thankyou !!
  • what excercise did you did, whats your diet, you recover from laxative abuse
  • @angelq5735
    Girl how did you just recover within such a short amount of time because I took laxatives for two years however my digestive system never went back to normal I am stuck in the bathroom for more than two hours a day. Any tips is appreciated
  • @snihue
    Thank you for sharing this. You give some hope among the overwhelmingly many doomsayers. Do you still read these comments? A part of me wants to share something (related), but another... well, is very alone and accepted it.