Create Something. It's Worth It

Published 2024-05-20

All Comments (21)
    Starting is the hardest part because we often want to have a direction decided. But we should just GO (create) and let the direction find itself. You don't have to be perfect, and most things you do will improve in quality as you keep doing them. Great video man, thank you for the reminder.
  • @amsay
    Such a lovely video!
  • @tntrex9933
    Love to hear about people sharing their vision/creative ideas, gonna be following this channel
  • @cipower3337
    I couldn't agree more with this. aspiring to do something not out of obligation, but for yourself is the best feeling you can ever have. I wish more people thought like this.
  • Totally agree that creating things is worth it. I started writing a webcomic last year. It's not very high quality, but it's something that I make, and something that only I would ever make. It's the single most creatively fulfilling thing I've ever done. Even more fulfilling than my YouTube channel that is monetized and pulls in a tidy amount every month.
  • I finally got some unique motivation to create recently: I asked online about an animation from my teenage years, and nobody knew it. So I'm doing my best to hand-draw it right now, and I'll eventually voice it and put the recreation in a video on Youtube to get a wider range of eyes on it to eventually, possibly, finding this lost media from so long ago.
  • @goldensilly
    Dude, I needed this. Im struggling in school right now and I've always wanted to create something I could be proud of, but I never found myself content or proud with the stuff I have made. I am worried I won't do good in school because of my mental struggles, but my creative process helped me feel happy. It's my source of escape from stress and hard work, people always tell me that trying to escape all this mentally draining stuff is bad and will eventually affect my life, but I don't really want to escape from it all, I've come to realize recently that I just want something to look forward too, Something to call my own and brag about and be proud of, I've always wanted some source of motivation but everything I've created never delivers the motivation I want. I couldn't thank you enough for giving a reminder to me, and everybody else who ends up watching this video, a boost of the urge to create, I've wanted to write a book, and I've wanted to try and make a game, and I've even wanted to make beautiful art, But I've never really dived into it too much. So I thank you, and I hope that your channel goes far as well, you seem passionate, and I will continue to watch your videos if I can.
  • @SoftwareSlicer
    I really needed this video on a personal level especially when considering analysis paralysis and this intangible concern I have with starting to publish my work and hobbies online. Thanks for writing this pitch and for openly sharing it, I'm very early but quite excited in having the opportunity to see this grow in such a lively and organic way!
  • @beardalaxy
    It is WORTH IT!! It gives me something to strive for, to feel like I've accomplished something besides just living. Godspeed, man!
  • Dude this really means a lot to me right now. I’ve been working on a game recently but I’ve felt a sense of emptiness creep up similar to the one I had before I had a creative outlet. This video really reinvigorated the spark I needed to keep working on it. It even made me tear up a little lol. Thanks for sharing your experience. After watching some of your other videos I obviously described. You’re definitely gonna hit it big!
  • @Steiveplays
    Watching this while working on the game I've been making for close to a year now, after writing on the novel I've been writing for close to 5 years. Create. I am begging you, if you are on the fence, create something. Make something with your hands. Write. Do SOMETHING. I beg of you.
  • This video got randomly recommended to me and I was really impressed, I thought this was by a channel with several thousands of subscribers by how well made it is, but when I saw your sub count in the video and on actual YouTube I was pleasantly surprised. I've been burnt out on trying to do YouTube since I haven't found what I wanted to do, but I may try it up again and rebranding to what feels more like I want to do as an artist, new sub and I'll be following your journey! :)
  • @Hoopryfien
    I've definitely been feeling this way moreso in the past year which is why I started trying to pursue art and also just do more video editing in general because i want to find more outlets to express my ideas. The message you're aiming to express is very well conveyed here even if the video is short
  • Damn I loved the video! I have the pleasure of my work being editing videos for YouTube channels that i actually enjoy watching, so it is amazing because i can literally live off my creative work. I always get really hyped when a new video comes out and so far i've read all comments under all of "my" videos. That said i hate how YouTube uses literal algorithms to rate people's creative work.
  • @bostonkunz1181
    Dude. first of all, thank you I think I needed that. Also I really think you can grow to have an amazing channel. good luck :)
  • @sl1ppey
    Just commenting because I wanted to say I really appreciated your comment on my short games video the other day. I've been struggling with creating for my own sake the last 6 months, which is why my output has been so slow. Getting wrapped up in the numbers and the opportunity costs of putting so much time and effort into something that may not yield any tangible reward other than personal satisfaction has been paralyzing for me. Your comment and this video were nice reminders to just do it anyway. Hope to see more from you soon, and if you ever just wanna chat about making stuff, feel free to reach out, you seem like a cool person.
  • @squingly
    Huh! Seems like I'm near the ground floor of a little view surge for this video. Well, I hope it reaches more people - I know I needed this message, and I'm sure other people do too 💛
  • @allyr02
    Thank you for this video <3 I am studying at an art university and did lose my passion for creating for the pure joy of creating. I'm going to try capture that back now, thank you.