Men Are Ridiculously Attracted to Women Who Have These 4 Habits


コメント (21)
  • @momzilla9491
    I'm in my 60s and my husband was in his 70s. I always flirted with my husband, joked with my husband. When he smiled my whole world lit up. Getting caught and then chasing was more than fun. Missing my guy. Sudden Cancer in Nov 22. Two months and gone.
  • When my boyfriend moved to another state for a year, I helped him pack. I had a pocket full of pieces of paper that I had written ...."I love you, Mr. W." on. I stuck these notes in books, and boxes, and this and that as the day went on when he was distracted. We married when he returned. Even today, he finds one of these notes in his belongings and brings it to me with a smile...."guess what I found today!"
  • @LV-bk4it
    I say that if a man doesn't pursue you, he's not interested. Move on.
  • These things would only work on EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE AND HEALTHY MEN. You won't find this in these modern day men.
  • @JS-zc2ij
    men also need to appreciate what women do for them and if they don’t do it that will kill little by little the attraction and love that women have for them
  • @sweetea7035
    STOP!!! If you have to do all this and keep doing it, that is not realistic. First, just find a decent person, not someone you want to change. Let them have their own hobbies. Friends, etc. If a man hates to come home because of drama, criticism, etc, you've lost him already. If he loves to come home because it's his safe place, he'll never leave. I am very old fashioned. I love the comfort of marriage, how we both have our roles. Romance is not just about sex. Because we are older and have physical limitations that have made sex very infrequent, we still have romance. A glance across the room, finishing each others sentences, just being together. I don't believe opposites attract, if you can find the male/female version of yourself, you'll never have to play silly games or have to pretend you're something you're not. Dont keep score, and don't cross boundaries.
  • @Latoija
    “Can’t chase after someone when they’re chasing after you.” WHEW!!!! I bought your book too. You are the best I’ve seen!
  • @josieclowes2208
    My late husband and I flirted throughout the day every day, The last year was as fresh as the first ❤
  • Married 43 years this year. We have faced some hard times, but always standing together. We still love to spend time together, but also have our own projects going on. We laugh and act like teenagers sometimes much to the embarrassment of our grown children. Love is work and lots of fun times, too. And kiss your man more, grab him, hug him. Laugh at his dad jokes. Lift him up. And enjoy when he does the same. ❤❤❤
  • I'm 73, a woman, don't need a man stanking up my home, doesn't wash his hands after using the bathroom, and kept telling me that he may have to apply for low-income housing, thinking that I would invite him to move into my condo, that I paid for, by myself...... a narcissist, already has been married 3 times......asked if I would change my last name to his FUCK NO.....told him to "Go Home"....the end......
  • @chrgher440
    Many years ago I surprised my husband with lingerie under my work clothes when we were at a family thing. His response was "where did you get the money?" Needless to say, there was no sex that night.
  • @judyb1643
    You either get along or you don’t, things will naturally flow if they’re meant to. It’s peoples mind games that get in the way and complicate things. Be natural!
  • I’m now 62 with some marriages under my belt. Took me ages to figure out that I am not suited to it and don’t like it. I wish that I had this knowledge years ago, would have saved some good men from being hurt. I don’t like being a wife or these days even a girlfriend. But I am suited to being a mother, it the best thing that ever happened in my life. So that and my doggies are enough for me now. I am happy, no drama in my life, just lots of love. I am very lucky. PS am still great friends with my last husband and when we talk on the phone we still say I love you, just in a different way now. He is a great friend, we weren’t friends when we were married. That was the problem.
  • @1CelloOne
    I was 13 years younger than my ex-husband. We had been going through a dull period in our marriage, so I dressed up, wearing sexy lingerie, drove 17 miles to his office to spice things up. (it was his private, stand-alone office, not in a building where others worked) I waited while he was on his business call, I waited, & waited and then I drove home. That was the moment I knew I would divorce him. I didn't realize it then but he always put work ahead of his marriage and family.
  • Geez, men are like children...also neurotransmitters, are way more complex than your description...I think I am gonna get me a puppy instead
  • @deec411
    I feel very cherished and appreciated by the man I'm currently dating and believe me, he's the first real man and I tell him that. 😍😍😍 He makes so much effort because I don't initiate most of the contact. I'm loving being pursued and romanced for the first time in my life. Until now I SETTLED for crumbs when I was insecure and afraid to be alone. Self love is the key ladies 🔐🔓 I worked on my emotional wounds mostly from childhood and feel so much self love and joy, it attracted him to my life. 💖💖💖
  • @CayaMaya
    I have been binge watching your video's over the last few days, learned a lot here! Thank you so much, Geert, for your excellent video's!
  • I'm attracted to women who don't act like dog show judges. Who are nice to everyone. Someone who all my aunt's and uncles will enjoy at a party because they are lovely. And my friends will get excited when they know we are coming by because we are good company. No B.S. Also not having to barter or trade for love. That's a red flag . Basically her loving me because she wants too. It's her choice. Her decision. And I didn't have to do jack S* for it. The loves not real or it's shallow if you have to do things to get affection from another individual. They're capacity is low like an empty tank of gas. C'mon people. Instead of looking on the outside for your source of happiness and coming from a lack mindset of scarcity . Know that you are enough and find someone else who knows that too in every fiber of their being. I feel sorry for people who slave for love because love is a giving characteristic. A fullness quality.
  • @LisaGemini
    Chasing is highly overrated. Most are chasing a dopamine hit. Yet so many dating coaches talk about "how to get him to chase you" and women make fools of themselves playing games with sexy lingerie and tricks. Lots of singles at midlife (40s until retirement) have been burned by divorce and other wounds and don't even have a clue what they want. Thanks so much for your wisdom, Brian. It's realistic common sense. HUGS!