Southern Minnesota dam fails, threatening homes and businesses

Published 2024-06-24
Flooding has put an iconic dam in jeopardy, along with homes and a business nearby. Due to a build-up of debris, the Rapidan Dam near Mankato is in “imminent failure condition,” according to the Blue Earth County Sheriff’s Department. John Lauritsen shows us the damage that’s already been done and why a family’s livelihood could be next.

All Comments (21)
  • The Sheriff's dept did not say "imminent failure". They did say the dam may not fail. And if it did, would not effect downstream enough to evacuate.
  • That's what happens when there is poor river management.
  • @GospelGary
    The dam has NOT failed, as your headline falsely states and your reporter contradicts.
  • Why haven’t they removed all them trees like they should have something wrong here
  • That wouldn't have happened if they would have rolled some equipment out there and removed the trees before it blocked the spillway
  • Click bait title. The dam has not failed. The dam is still standing. Water cannot get through the dam in sufficient quantities and so, it has gone around the dam. Trees may have blocked it, the spillway may not have been adequate for the task but the dam is very clearly still standing.
  • @pallmall5495
    Sad how bad the Canadian weather has been this year. I hope Minnesota, Canada can rebuild sooner than later.
  • @jimmydee1130
    "Made sure onlookers "stayed safe". Can't make this stuff up
  • @semipenguin
    I hope the Dam Store survives. I went there a couple years ago. It’s a great place to eat and enjoy the jukebox. They only take cash, tho.
  • @james_robnett
    Technically the dam didn't fail, the water just found a path around it. Kind of pedantic but it's an important point in terms of folks talking about lack of maintenance. This isn't a age or maintenance problem, this is a 'too much rain' problem.
  • Looks like negligence to me. The lawyers are going to have a field day.
  • @TexRobNC
    Clickbait headline when people are looking for the actual failure to take place and video of it