The most UNIQUE team for Pokemon Johto

Published 2022-10-12
How exactly do you team build in Pokemon? What do you prioritize? Stats? Typings? Pokemon likability? Color diversity (lol)? How about how unique the team is? Well, that would be cool, but are you supposed to measure such a thing? Today we attempt to tackle that exact challenge and craft a functional and unique team of six a Pokemon team for Johto!

This is a new type of video for me so any and all feedback would definitely be appreciated. Should I make more? Or was this a flop? Let me know! And regardless, thank you so much for checking out the video!

Also, as you can probably hear in my voice, I was sorta sick when working on and recording this video. So I apologize for the delay and for my nasally voice. Thanks for watching!

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All Comments (8)
  • @XellossBoi
    Another great team! Togetic learns all sorts of strange but interesting moves, and it's special capabilities aren't bad at all. Excited to dive deeper into your channel!
  • @bandicuhn6436
    Just replayed soul silver and had a team of Typhlosion, Ampharaos, Togetic, Espeon, Octillery, and Piloswine. Probably one of my favorite teams I've ever built, Piloswine at lvl. 40 took out all 3 of Lance's dragonites on the first run of the E4. Very proud of my team.
  • @cerdic6586
    If only sudowoodo learned head smash to complement its rock head ability.
  • @delblink
    stoppp you’re making me wanna use a sunflora so bad
  • Ooooo so close. My recent playthrough of Crystal I had half of this team (almost 4, almost used Donphan). Meganium, Skarmory, Lanturn. The rest were Ursaring, Wobbuffet and Houndoom. Loved the team, one of my favorite in-game teams