Health potion logic

Published 2019-04-01

All Comments (21)
  • @vg2448
    8 hours later on the toilet... -500 HP.
  • @maxgoose707
    He just healed back the damage that done to his mouth
  • @12HitCombo
    I like how there's a hidden joke in here where Rowan bought 10 health potions, drank one of them, then suddenly didn't have room for the empty vial from the potion he just had in his inventory. He had room for the full one, because they stacked, but as soon as he drank one he didn't have room because it turned into a new item that doesn't stack with the full ones. Ladies and gentlemen: RPG inventory math!
  • I like how he screams right before he eats the vile, showing that he knows it hurts a LOT but still thinks of it as normal
  • @BladedAngel
    Meanwhile in RuneScape... "Yeah we don't do that here" *Actually gives an empty vial in inventory after drinking each potion*
  • @wicked.a950
    I once read a story where someone was fighting a dragon and since his mouth had melted close he smashed the health vial into his throat, there was also a morbid description of the glass fragments beeing pushed out while he was healing
  • @nerdyBullfinch
    I just noticed that Greg was picking his nose while they were arguing. Priceless 😂
  • @pengzheng7294
    Potion+50hp potion vial +25hp glass damage-25hp Total gain +50hp
  • @MrTerror923
    Special Note : The Glass is what heals you, the red liquid is only there to hide the blood caused by chewing on the glass!
  • @Tekkerue
    Should have made the vial out of sugar glass so you could actually eat it on camera. 😂
  • @VivaLaDnDLogs
    It's the sound Ben makes before that kills me. "Watch. AWWWR-" broken crunching sounds
  • @yakisova7576
    Rowan is like those main characters that got teleported to another world
  • @HarrytheUnlucky
    Rowan runs back and sells the empty glass bottle NPC Man: returns one gold
  • @hvcskmagyar
    I love how its on our mind what the red liquid is in his mount either blood or just the potion
  • Someone needs to make a compilation of these videos where Ben’s right and Rowan can’t believe him. They’re hilarious lmao
  • @kurtruizjr.2929
    So that’s why health potions in dnd only give you a little hp. It has to account for you eating the bottle too, and the internal lacerations you get from doing so
  • Not going to lie, this entire time I just thought they were just throwing the bottles on the ground. Now I have been enlightened in the ways of Health Potions.
  • @Catgamer141
    This is great. I sent it to my friends who also game,and I think they'll get a kick out of it. Also Dragon Age Inquisition solves this problem by having you and your party violently toss the bottle on the ground.