E3 2021 Hype Train (late last stop) Nintendo 1994 Summer CES presentation Part 1: Super Gameboy

It's the late final stop for the E3 Hype Train this year, and we've entered the video game jungle that was the 1994 Summer CES Nintendo Presentation known as King of the Jungle.

Due to technical difficulties, this video will be filmed and cut into short parts for easy uploading. And the first thing to showcase/react to is the Super Gameboy reveal, before there was the Switch, this was how you'd take the game you were playing on the go and put it on your television. Take your Gameboy game, put it in the Super Gameboy, put it in the SNES, and play.

(Dare I say that the Super Gameboy could have been, unknowingly, a prototype for the function of the Switch?)

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