Noah Feldman: The Three Lives of James Madison (HD)

Published 2017-12-19
America's Town Hall Bill of Rights Day Symposium:
Harvard professor of law Noah Feldman unveils The Three Lives of James Madison — a sweeping reexamination of the Founding Father who transformed the U.S. in each of his political “lives”— as a revolutionary thinker, as a partisan political strategist, and as a president. Feldman explores how his collaborations, struggles, and contradictions define the U.S. to this day.

All Comments (11)
  • Excellent, have always had great admiration for Madison and this presentation from Mr. Feldman just brings it home in the world of today. I will search out his book.
  • I will be reading asap, I was interested in his response to the question about a Convention of States.
  • Madison's view of slavery is superior to Jefferson's because, in acknowledging everyone's right to freedom, he gives the slave permission to rebel against his servitude. Jefferson's view, which implies racism and white supremacy, denies every slave any permissions to seek freedom. Madison's view is consistent and prescient with Lincoln's early views of slavery.
  • I’m a certified paralegal and well versed in con law, contract law, politics and all the 1st year law classes. This is the best discussion I’ve heard since Scalia
  • @vincentsaia6545
    What evidence it there that Alexander Hamilton was "pansexual?" Also, I am a progressive and I know of no call on our part for a second or "Article 5" constitutional convention.
  • Government is not violation constitutional right rather some uneducated, corrupted, weak employee are but we the people are responsible to stop them anyway. this our national interest, reputation, and health of the country
  • This guy is a poor choice for a “constitutional law professor” 😂😂