Will crew 2.0 still KILL World of Tanks?

Published 2024-05-28
"Crew 2.0" is back in World of Tanks with huge changes to the skill system including a new hard cap at 6 skills! Here's all you need to know and how you can try the changes!
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World of Tanks is a Free 2 Play online game published by Wargaming start playing World of Tanks here: bit.ly/NewTanker (affiliate link)

0:00 Will crew 2.0 still kill WoT?
0:14 What happened in 2023?
1:04 The new system
2:08 The new max skill will be 6
2:58 What about 0 skill crews?
3:54 Multiple role skills!
6:31 This is amazing for premiun/reward tanks.
7:28 Choosing 6 skills.
10:03 all perks/skill will average out
10:51 Free resets for 30 days and one time reset
12:41 Sign up for the sandbox test server
13:01 They did everything I asked!
14:02 There are still issues.
21:48 all the current skills are still available
22:09 What happens to my 7+ skill crews?
22:58 the biggest winners and losers?
25:56 Now it's up to you...

All Comments (21)
  • @hbpesse
    I think WOT has bigger issues than crew skill changes.
  • I havent quit playing WoT because of crew skills, i quit WoT because it feels like no matter what i do, its either a 15-1 or 1-15 simulator and theres not much i can do to change that. I really miss having close games that felt epic.
  • @rockervolt9177
    I'm an old player, since 2011, I have a busy life, I still play games but I don't have time to learn all of this stuff and massive changes I will have to address. I think that there were well more obvious and some more simple changes to make in priority to bring back fun in this game. M. Making, some well known tanks that are far too op, excessive use of gold ammo, speed of games which does not allow for strategic gameplay, ...
  • @Misimpa
    0-15 and 15-0 in 95% of battles. Let's change the crew ... God!
  • Yep good thing they are showing the community, we will be able to discuss it in the forums.....
  • I wish they spend as much time, energy, and resources fixing tank balance issues and developing new maps as they spent trying to cram a new crew system in that nobody asked for.
  • @St.Petrock
    Someone at WG really has an obsession with changing crew skills. They would be better served listening to the community and fixing the things that actually need fixing.
  • @nicholass9841
    10% Extra Shell Velocity is IMMENSE. Especially for tanks with already high shell velocities. I bring you the French Tanks with their 100mm cannon. Standard rounds are 1000 m/s. +10% means they will now be 1100 m/s, on par with the High Tier Swedish TDs. Some Premium APCR can fire at 1,450 m/s, with that skill, that is now 1,595 m/s shell velocity. Literally point and click. What even is leading.
  • @jb1639
    What they've missed is that nobody has asked for a new crew system, what is asked for is better match-making and better balanced tanks. If this gets implented it just means a lot of time and effort has to be put into existing crews.
  • @Ho55Delux
    This is like WG is starting to paint the Titanic as she goes down... Makes no sense?!?
  • @dombovar77
    No, the crew skills are the least problematic part of this game (apart from a handful of tanks)
  • I just dont understand why they are so stubborn to push a crew change on the game when there are PLENTY of things that need to be fixed before crew does. The crew system isn't even a problem in this game BTH.
    Maybe it's better... but is it necesary? I dont think so...
  • @freethinker9542
    For WOT and WOTB, if you get a Unicum or a pair of platooned Unicum's on one team, the other team is toast. The lack of skill based MM means that Lebron James (and his platoon buddy) pros play against the college and beginner basketball teams. If someone is above 65% WR, put another above 65% win rate player on the other team.
  • Deadeye works for all shell types now, HE shells from Arty can now use Deadeye.....
  • @JKSSubstandard
    Nothing I see here fixes the core issues driving players away and preventing new players from joining. So, it's all a waste of time. Until they fix the big issues, then anything else is just a waste of time, energy and resources.
  • @esbam2002
    In the list of reasons I have neglected this game, crews skills are not even on this list. Aggressive, OVERLY aggressive monetization, failure to properly balance tanks in the super testing phase creating a P2W situation (or potentially bait and switch), improper balance of games causing blow out after blow out with the EXTREMELY rare close game, the game now built around the need to use gold rounds unless you want to gimp yourself, sardine cans for maps to play on all are why. Plus the bonus of being American, and having an NA account, but long periods at a time in Asia and no ability to pick which region to play in as War Thunder, or any other modern game, allows you to do to optimize your experience. Again, for greed and expecting players to double pay for things.
  • @tickerag26
    For a new player, it has become crazy complicated, a massive amount to learn before you even know what you are doing, doesn't help impatient potential new players and has gone away I feel, from it's arcade roots. Even I struggle to keep up with all the changes in the past years. Maps changed to disable good line of sight spots and I feel this is really becomng a game for just Heavy and medium tanks. Not sure now what WG can do to make things simpler for new players. Few of my friends have tried it recently and were put off straight away.
  • @sdjoensson
    I didn't quit WoT because of crewskills, I quit because I suck at the game, and 10.000 games didn't really improve my skill, my Win % rating is about 49%, barely above bot rating, and I find it frustrating to be matched up against players far better than me and feel like i'm getting farmed, no matter if i'm playing tier 5-7-8-9-10 I have to grinded to no end because i get like 1000xp a game, and barely make a profit to be able to afford new equipment and tanks.