GTA San Andreas (Definitive Edition) is EMBARRASSING

Published 2021-11-15
GTA San Andreas Remastered (Definitive Edition) is EMBARRASSING. This video is a comparison between GTA San Andreas (Original) vs. Remastered (Definitive Edition) & showcases why the OG games remain untouched.

Multiple Gameplay elements are examined + Physics, Animations, A.I, Map Details, Glitches & more!

↓ Chapters ↓
00:00 - Swimming Animations (far from map)
00:53 - Helicopter vs. Water
01:32 - Tire Burnouts
02:23 - Map Boundaries
03:12 - Night Clubs
04:07 - Gym Animations
05:01 - Draw Distance
06:08 - Distant Traffic
07:12 - FAT/BUFF CJ
07:36 - Plane Damage

So, which one does it better?

All Comments (21)
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  • @ghostriley9463
    The draw distance in Definitive Edition is so huge it feels like you can snipe someone in San Fierro while you are in the Los Santos Tower LMAO
  • @evilTaker90V2
    It’s amazing how a simple fog effect was actually one of the most important aspects in the game, it truly made the map a lot bigger than it actually was
  • @PulpChristian
    The ability to see all three cities from the tallest skyscraper in the game due to the lack of fog and haze effects is the most immersion breaking feature I have ever seen.
  • @lostskull7467
    7:14 Idk if anyone else already pointed this out but, each CJ has a unique running animation, where as in the defective edition it always uses the default animation!
  • We have truly reached a new low. One of the most successful game companies in the world can't even properly remaster its own 20-year old PS2 titles.
  • @MR-pt7ou
    17 years after release and technology has come so far, you would imagine everything about the game would look so much better. Everything! clearly the dev didn’t have any sort of passion or respect for these games.
  • @theMixElite
    Cyberprank 2069 doesn't look that bad at the end of the day
  • @devanman7920
    I can't get over how small the map looks. It felt massive when I was younger!
  • They made the graphics better but removed the soul and personality of the games
  • @bartjoboy
    That much bigger draw distance only works when the map itself is also huge. The SA map was actually really tiny compared to later GTA games. The fog and decreased draw distance helped hiding that and actually make the map look bigger than it actually was. Also playing with the fog and even the color of the fog can make certain areas look a bit more cramped and gloomy, like the forest.
  • @yerk55
    Take a game series known for attention to detail, with a fan base that looks for details, and then fuck up all the details. Definitive!
  • @Jo-Wilbe-Dina
    GTA Fans: β€œEy Rockstar, what made you flip out like that man? Was it GTA V or what?” Rockstar: ”I got caught up in the Money...the Power...”
  • @William_15_
    5:24 Who all got surprised by seeing mount chiliad from maze bank.
  • @eliarevalo
    While this is sad. This is an amazing reminder of how great the original was on the Xbox and PS2. Way ahead of its time.
  • @Myeeeeehhh
    Rockstar be like : "No one will notice that." Meanwhile ENXGMA : "Man... ur embarrassing!"
  • @FidelNacho
    Nice Video Bro, Shame on that DEFINITIVE!