4. Jay Smith: Muhammad - A Historical Critique

Published 2018-08-02
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All Comments (21)
  • @srfrg9707
    Islam is not about God. It's about power. Truth is of no importance. It's not the religion of truth, nor the religion of salvation. It's the religion of submission.
  • @hypota6872
    Thanks, As an ex muslim I always asked these questions about Mohammad and Maccea and never got any answer, now I know the Islam is not more than a tool for rulers, sad for muslim folk.
  • @jackjones3657
    If institutions of higher "learning" were intellectually honest and objective, courses with teachings like this would be mainstays.
  • @humatariq4698
    can you traslate all this in arabic and urdu language so it can be useful for pakistani and arabic people.
  • @esecallum
    When it comes to Muslims, they use four lies which you can depend on them saying. 1: You need to read it in Arabic 2: It's a weak hadith. 3: It's been abrogated. 4: You are taking it out of context. To which I always respond 1: Your scholars translated it into English, take it up with them. 2: If it is weak then why is it available to read? 3: Allah couldn't get it right the first time? 4: How hard is it to take it out of context, don't you understand the words? You just have to remember, it is only when they get cornered do they fall back on those. So count them as points when they say one of those four things because they don't have answers.?
  • @nopenein5071
    1. They would not believe it 2. Even if they do they would not admit it 3. They will say you racist and islamophobic
  • @juerbert1
    Jay Smith is a fearless man of GOD ! Praise be to our Gracious GOD !!!
  • @buddyduddyful
    I sincerely admire the enthusiasm which radiates outword from this dynamic teacher.
  • @leeeric8436
    1 hour worth of knowledge. My hour well spent. Why didn't all my college days/ hours spent in class touch on intellectual topics of such prominence ?
  • I try to take Jay's Quran verses to Muslim chat and all they do is ignore me by asking the same old questions of chritianty .he's got them on the defense they aren't prepared .
  • @khadijahngum315
    I start by asking the Almighty to forgive us all for believing in evil and not believing in the truth.. Only the Almighty can set us free from evil, anxiety, hate,envy,greed,and ignorance. I come from both sides of two religions Christianity and Islam. I personally love, adore and respect both. They all have stories and facts of what is wrong and what should be good and accepted by the Almighty to get us closer to him and a way to enter heaven. Historians can be selective and bias depending on the information they pass on to make a name,but the Almighty is ONE and ONE for all mankind. Anyone who submits to the Almighty is a Muslim,that does not mean you believe or follow the teachings of Islam. It means you believe in the Almighty and his true Prophets and followers and all that he has created for us to share and enjoy in peace and harmony. I read both the Bible and Quran, I have seen similarities and differences. I have experienced through reading both books the effect and changes it had made in me. The most important thing I treasure in these books is how it can make you more of a human and closer to the Almighty 🙏.More to be your neighbors friend and protector, more to respect and appreciate both religions, more to live and let live. I personally went to Saudi Arabia and most of the historic sites are being brought down not to hide evidence as Mr Smith mentioned but to stop the action of idol worshipping. I have seen how people crowd in numbers to pray and ask forgiveness at these sites which are just historic for human knowledge only, but people tend to make a place of worship. That's the reason for all the demolishing. I have visited the place where our Dear and Holy Mother of Jesus ran to after giving birth in fear of the evil people,it's been made seamless to avoid the crowd to gather and make it a shrine. These are all to avoid unnecessary worshipping and insignificant rituals. Mohamed, SAW. was mentioned only few times in the Quran,because as the narrator and messenger he cannot be talking about himself,he was sent to give the message to the people about the earlier Prophets before him and their messages. All he did was revive the authentic messages of the earlier Prophets from the Almighty to the people. To do that he had to quote his past brothers and sisters in Prophethood. The times he would have his name mentioned would be through his divine experiences. Using sites and maps, valleys and mountains to prove that Mohamed and Islam is real is really a man made joke. Let's all appreciate and respect the authentic messages in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. We all came to this world and will return the same way but for our beloved and special Prophet and messenger Jesus. They all came to preach peace,fear of the Almighty, love thy neighbor,Respect your Parents,help the needy,support the Orphan,avoid sinful acts and above all do not take anyone's life,instead try and save lives. With all this on our plate,why don't we all start a new page and clean our hearts of anger, evil and greed and turn to each other and ask forgiveness and make this world not just a better place but the best place to live in until we see Heaven. Let's not speculate, let's experience the goodness and holiness. Let's fight the evil inside of us, let's fill our hearts and souls with peace and love for each other. We have father's day, mother's day, weekdays, etc. Let's have a day called Creation day, a day where we all embrace each other in love, gifts, forgiveness,peace,and harmony not matter what religion,race, culture,or background. Let this day be a day for all.mankind to remember the one and only Almighty God/ Allah.(I use the two names as I understand it in the two books I read,but other names of the same meaning in different languages is also appreciated ).He created us to be one. On a final note, let's all remember that we are closer to the end times and as it is said in the Bible and mentioned in Islam, Jesus will be back. I am a true practising Muslim and respect all authentic religions and books. I appreciate and believe in Islam as the final religion because no other religion can be created after Islam, because Islam has put together all the religions before it into one authentic book for all to embrace. The Quran. Nothing is fake in the Quran,because it's the book if all books, saying it's fake contradicts the authenticity of the books before it. Only the truth from the books before is noted in one book. May the Almighty give us peace and cleanse our hearts and revive our souls to love and live in harmony from today and forever till we all meet in Heaven. Ameen.
  • @onestepaway3232
    The question is the Angel. Why did angel frighten and torment Mohammed? No where in the Bible did that happen to God’s prophets. Jesus is my living hope!
  • @stickman-1
    This and Bill Warners videos should be required viewing in every high school
  • The lecture came across very well and the development of Islam was without prejudice.
  • @vachevyguy
    Winston Churchill Said it best Islam is to man as rabies is to a dog
  • @edoycampus370
    As ten years truck driver in saudi Arabia, that trade route is impossible to exist,,,, and im sure every driver like me says the same😪
  • @waheedlawal4731
    I don't want to believe my hear.But to thank God for the good work here by smith
  • @art4freak795
    Always thought the foundation story of Islam sounded sketchy