Aggretsuko - Ookami respects Kabae

Published 2019-12-06

Season 2 episode 4

Can we sign a petition to get more screentime with this cutie? His mannerisms are so adorable and he seems like such a genuine person. I love how he acknowledges Kabae's resilience.

All Comments (12)
  • @Nerdynessocity
    Not gonna lie, it is scenes like these that makes clear how flawed Retsuko's thinking is. She seems to expect perfection more from others than from herself and focuses on the negatives of others. I get that her rage is part of her shtick, but seeing Ookami, her junior, have more respect for others in spite of their flaws shows a difference in their attitudes towards work and coworkers. Yeah, Ton, Tsubone, and a couple others suck, but she could try to seek understanding more. I appreciate the humility checks that she gets sporadically in the series.
  • @SkyGodKazuha
    Ookami best boy. Retsuko just ignores him most of the time and yet he is always the first one to talk to her. He seems like a people's person.
  • @DrSoWhat
    one of the bests scenes from one of the bests episodes of the entire series, hillarious, tender, sad and encourageous at the same time... in just 83 seconds. GENIOUS!.