And on the 8th Day, Satan Made a Narcissist

Published 2022-11-07
DeSantis parody of campaign ad for Governor.

And on the 8th day, Satan looked up upon his divided creation and said, I need a narcissist, so Satan made a narcissist. Someone who was willing to get up before dawn, lie to his family, travel long and far for no other reason than to spread his narcissism. Destroy jobs and livelihoods of people who didn’t think like the narcissist, and destroy their liberty, their happiness. So Satan made a narcissist. Satan said, I need someone to be an advocate of lies and create division, hysteria, and make people challenge their own conventional wisdom with the goal of making an army of drones who agree only with what the narcissist thinks is right. So, Satan made a narcissist. Satan said I need someone to take the arrows from his quiver and pierce the hearts of men, women and children who dissent against the narcissist. A narcissist who can look that mother in the eyes and tell her that her child WILL likely be killed in a school shooting if she doesn’t agree with the narcissist. For if she does not agree with the narcissist, she risk losing her job, eating dinner with friends, or holds the hands of a parent who died of COVID because she refused to gat a vaccine. So, Satan made a narcissist. Satan said I need a man who would laugh at the pain and suffering of anyone who opposes him and have no empathy when his daughter asks him why daddy is such a bad man, and such a divider or people. So god made a narcissist.

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