Baldur's Gate 3 | Halsin or Minthara - Ultimatum | Datamined Content

Published 2024-05-29
Just a reminder, this scene doesn't trigger in the game. I have no idea whether it'll be implemented. The content shown in this video is datamined. It's the result of the game file manipulation, nothing more.

All Comments (21)
  • @thekameru6058
    I see why they cut this. Digging into Halsins trauma would have been interesting, but this wasnt the way to do it. I'd have loved a proper group discussion about what to do with Minthara. 'My god forsook me, Absolute assaulted me, I'm dead or a slave if I leave, I'm useful, let me help.' are GOOD arguments. Not to mention the comedy potential in just one person in the group being all like '...well we kept Astarion for roughly the same reasons, right?'
  • @ImpudentInfidel
    I can see why they cut this. This is way out of character for Halsin, it's the exact thing he banished or demoted Khaga for. Same excuse she used, too.
  • "A viper cannot escape it's true nature" Me, a Duergar Baahlspawn looks back at the camp to see a cleric of the god of darkness, a wizard that's also a nuke, a warrior loyal to an evil space litch, two people tangled up with actual literal devils and a whole ass vampire spawn Kay... bye I guess?
  • @nesyk1598
    i cant believe they cut halsin's racism arc
  • @riam850
    It must be really awkward to hear that if you play as Drow yourself.
  • @YurateYurate
    we need MUCH more interactions between companions like this, to show they are still living persons with their own lives. I think in this case other companions may have their opinions too and voiced it, like with using tadpoles or Gale's orb or Astarion's vampirism. it's sad that folder "Group_Discussions" contents only 5 dialogues for the entire game((( Thank you for showing this❤
  • @beeplk7290
    Minthara is my favorite companion and my favorite romance. When she said "If I leave I die." my heart legitimately broke.
  • It’s interesting that they reference Halsin’s trauma with drow, which you only get info on ingame if you take him for a four/five some with the drow twins. It’s frustrating to me that Halsin has these glimmers of a fully developed character, but just falls flat.
  • @50lid5nak3
    Halsin and Minthara definitely needed to hash out the Goblin incident, but not quite like this.
  • @Allison_Hart
    yknow it would have been SO interesting if Orin-Halsin was the one doing this. 👀 there could be a scene like this for whoever Orin shapeshifts into. it would have been a smart way for Orin to try and weaken your party!! like other commenters said, even if it doesn't seem to fit Halsin's character it's a shame to see group drama between companions get left on the cutting room floor. when there isn't that much of it. this is my favorite game, i would have totally bought a DLC that was just "More Companion Drama and Conversations Edition: Now With Wyll and Karlach Dating if You Don't Date Them" lol
  • @Leongon
    It makes sense to leave this scene out. It paints Halsin as unreasonably cold hearted by demanding Tav to doom Minthara even after she makes a perfectly reasonable plea. The actual game shows Halsin to be that cold only against Goblins as a recurrent joke, and he doesn't even kill Kagha after she does her worst outcomes which are pretty damn awful.
  • @Sylvantess
    I wish this exchange had stayed - but it DEFINITELY needs a revision. Only the first part of what Halsin says makes any remote sense, the rest just disfigures his personality. It would be great if the player could arbiter between them, having the ability to either banish one of them or keep both. The dialogue just needs a good helping of common sense. As it is, it’s mainly a mockery of Halsin’s personality.
  • @anointed6386
    He just sits in my camp all game anyway. I'd keep Minthara without a doubt
  • @OlhaMaksy
    If this was in the game, Halsin would always kick out in my run. And the reasons are 1st: Put a such Ultimatum in the first place 2nd: Mintara will die/be enslaved (and she particularly asked us to kill her if she can't join our camp after we freed her) 3rd: So choose between one of them dying or both of them living (Halsin leaves, but is still alive) 4th: Quite hypocritically from his side decides who can be killed for the "natural order" and who can't
  • How and why the FUCK did we have to be robbed of these two interacting more?! I need a Halsin and Minthara podcast or something in my life, I could listen to these two interact forever!!!
  • @Krazy_Kookum
    That last comment from Halsin doesn't hold much weight with how he let Kahga live - after the grove. However, I do love the interaction.
  • @Eddison33
    I see the point of it and the dialogue is great, intense. Yet, Halsin's main stat is Wisdom, right?) That would have been unwise to just let Minthara go and get mind-controlled by Absolute again. Halsin is probably the most understanding and forgiving person in all of BG3 - he wouldn't play stupid ultimatum games.
  • @saladdad6352
    crazy halsin says all tht about mintharas past and 'true nature' but when durge tells him he's bhaalspawn, hes chill?? the guy who planned and set it all in motion...and halsin would even date him too? ??? lmao i already didnt like halsin but this shows more of the vibes i got from him in the first place
  • @hellacioushag
    thank you for this. it's not even a choice for me. halsin will be fine without tav, but minthara will literally die/become enslaved. if anyone is a monster in this scenario it's halsin for being immovable and fine with knowing he's damning minthara. i get she's like the one 'evil' companion you can have, but halsin is no hero if he's fine with dooming her. wish instead of this ultimatum being unchangeable we were given a chance to persuade halsin to trust tav's judgement based on their relationship. also if the tav chose halsin over minthara i wish she forced tav to end her there instead of walking away. would give the player another chance to change their mind or could have repercussions if a player is a paladin or something.
  • I feel like there would be a Persuasion check here and additional dialogues especially if you're Durge in regards to being "a viper".