Transformers Stop Motion- ROTF Sideways Shanghai Chase

Published 2022-09-04
NEST finds Sideways's hiding spot, and now, the Autobots are after him. How will the Arcee Triplets, the Twins, and Sideswipe finish him for good? I was pretty late getting Arcee, Chromia, and Elita 1. Even after that, I had some heavy homework loads, so for a short while, I haven't posted, and this video is short for most remade movie scenes. Sideways obviously has a new paint job, completed with metallic white replacing the once silver parts. Sideswipe was the one who got the most makeover. A long time ago, I built him two new blades, a SMG (not shown), and removable parts. To add some cartoon humor, the NEST soldiers are the Avengers, and the part where Sideways breaks into the house was changed into him entering a scene in the movie My Little Pony Equestria Girls, where Sideways ends up messing up a scene in the movie with the Mane 6 on stage. Since I obviously didn't want to permanently ruin Sideways, I didn't cut him in half, rather making the blade remove his right door and causing him to crash. Now, I might not be posting here much again; I only finished my first week in this semester. Hope you enjoy!

All Comments (4)
  • Note- This video, as all remakes are, is choppy. I didn't really want to make it this choppy, but I wanted the audio to fit in, and some parts used too much photos, and since I'm often busy with random stuff, I don't really have time to fit it in. So please don't mention the low framerate.
  • @IamWone
    For our sins we deserve eternity in hell, but God loves us so much he came as Jesus to pay the price of our sins through living a perfect life for us, his death and his resurrection so we can be forgiven and receive eternal life if we follow and obey him in faith FOR LIFE , Jesus loves u and desires to have a personal relationship with you of love, peace, redemption and obedience ✝️ May Jesus bless you, repent of your sins and turn to Christ before it's too late 🙏🏿❤️😊