INCREDIBLE New Evidence Noah’s Flood REALLY Happened

Published 2024-04-19
This remarkable new Grand Canyon research confirms the Bible and debunks what atheists have been telling you. In this presentation, Dr. Andrew Snelling shares new research that points to the layers in the Grand Canyon being formed during the biblical flood.

To learn more about this topic, you can check out Dr. Andrew’s book The Genesis Flood Revisited here:…


Answers in Genesis is an apologetics (Christianity-defending) ministry dedicated to enabling Christians to defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ effectively.

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All Comments (21)
  • Great video, Dr. Snelling! We are honored to have worked with you and AiG in the Grand Canyon all these years. You're a true ROCK star!
  • @revv45acp71
    Dr. Snelling, my brother Andrew, we had a couple conversations at the ICC in Cedarville and it was there that you impressed me as a modern day young David slaying the giant. I LOVED this 2 part 3 plus hour presentation! Thank you! It’s amazing! It’s perfect apologetics! PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A SHORT VERSION for people who don’t know you well enough to understand that time spent listening to you is a gift from God!
  • @BohoHobo948
    Well done! Thankyou for so diligently researching and documenting your work, Dr Andrew Snelling. I still have copies of the magazine Creation Ex Nihilo from the 90s which you, Ken Ham and others founded. I was a new Christian back then and God used you mightily, through that publication, to strengthen my faith in His existence. And He still is using you in this way. Oh, and don't be shy to be excited at these amazing discoveries. Blessings and thanks from Australia 🦘❤
  • Amen. Halleluyah. Thankful for your perseverance in this geological area. Lord bless.🙏😇🤗
  • @alantasman8273
    I'll place my bets on the Rock of Ages before I submit to the cult of evolution.
  • @sandorrabe5745
    Thank you so much for this incredible work and your persistance ❤🙏 God bless
  • I applaud your hard work and tenacity with committing to this research project. Ironically, I only became aware of your "young earth" videos as a result of YouTube recommendations from watching other geology videos for a college Geology class. Having recently taken that class it's interesting to compare the many theories proposed in that class against the 20+ hours of AiG content I've seen so far. Just out of curiosity, how does the young earth model account for hotspots, especially as they are presented as proof for slow-moving tectonic plates (thinking about the Hawaiian Islands chain formation and evidence for the movement of the Yellowstone hotspot)?
  • @tracer7898
    As a scientist that has been integral and diligent in an industry bent on publishing fiction wilder than Grimm's Fairytales, I can say watching this video was so refreshing with the energy and effort and scale of work exactly how I have applied myself in my own research. Now as a Christian and not the atheist, I would really enjoy being a part of such a team. Really appreciated.
  • @dustinfrey3067
    As I mentioned in my first comment, I am a hobby prospector. Every prospector knows that any mineral/rock that has been in flowing water for more than 3-5 years is absolutely rounded. In fact, that is how we identify river stones. The fact that this quartz is jagged means it was not weathered for very long at all. Love this, thank you.
  • @susanbender6029
    Thank you to you and your team's and behind-the-scene staff and extras for all your diligent work!
  • @alanpmasters
    Thank you so much Dr Snelling and Team for all the work that has gone into this research. I’m excited to see how this is looking very much to prove the post-flood scenario. I look forward now to separate presentations aimed at the various specific audiences, eg. kids, lay adults as yet undecided about the time-line arguments, fellow specialist geologists etc.. I was getting impatient with all the repetition about location, hand-waving, tangential explananations about microscopes and techniques etc., all of which need stating of course. Your passion stands out a mile! I’d like to share your findings with skeptics but feel this unedited presentation rambles far too much. I repeat I am excited and thankful to God you now have so much compelling evidence and look forward to the distillation for general and specific audiences. Fifteen minutes?
  • The heavier “debris” falls out first. Explains the big boulders of white water rafting in Colorado. Explains The 3 bent layers in the Grand Canton also. Bottom Layer has larger particles and the finest layer on top. Thank you for helping me To see what creates these bent Rock formations. I’ve been noticing them All my life all Around as ive traveled wondering HOW
  • @blue-dc4hl
    Really like how Dr Andrew begins by saying that we first believe the Bible, and then we go out and explore how evidence in the world are consistent with what we read in the Bible, not the other way round. And that's what faith is! "blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." (John 20:29) "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1) Sharing a message I read: How did life come about? Can something come out of nothingness? Did a single cell evolve to form extremely complex organisms, plants, animals and even us, human beings? If so, where did all this new information to form something more complex come from? How did chance produce such order, intelligence, intricacy and awesome design? Even more intriguing, where did the first cells come from and what gave life to them? Is life something tangible that can be explained by the finiteness of science? Who was there at the beginning who could possibly shed some light on the origin of life? God, who has no beginning and ending, existed before time did. He tells us in the Bible the story of how life came about. He created it by His wisdom and for His glory. “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1) In fact, God says that people have no excuse to deny His existence, clearly manifested in His Creation! “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” (Psalm 14:1) “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.” (Romans 1:20) “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:3) Would you believe the infallible and immutable God who has revealed to you in His Word that He created the world? Or would you believe the hypotheses of fallible men who weren’t even there at the beginning of time? Don’t take your chances - trust in the living God who never lies. The eternity of your soul is at stake. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
  • @dustinfrey3067
    I love this work. I hobby prospect for gold, so I witness many of the concepts mentioned, especially stratification. The only question I have, is what evidence do we have of rapid deposition not allowing for stratification? I would like to be able to have references available. Thank you. Keep up the awesome work.
  • @xTriad
    Thank you for all your hard work Dr. Snelling. Your research has strengthened my faith.
  • @davidoleary5677
    A number of years ago, I saw a video by a Christian geologist that explained a mini Grand Canyon that was formed during the Mount St.Helen eruption that most geologists would say took eons to form.
  • @daviddroescher
    Polaroid =type of camera/film that prints immediately and develops in~30sec Polarized = what you discibe. Well put together presentation, thank you.