Kids Like These Should NOT Be At A Skatepark

Published 2020-01-05
Some parents these days are absolute morons.

All Comments (21)
  • @psydoof
    My mom won’t even let me go out if she doesn’t know the people or location and these parents just drop their 10 year old kids off and disappear.
  • I feel like he should of gotten mad at the parents more. Of course the kids are annoying, but some of them like that little girl were polite but didn’t know what to do to 1. Not annoy people and 2. To not get run over by a grown man barreling down towards you at 5000 mph.
  • @dougfoster445
    Ok, I'm a dad who skated a good portion of my life and I think the problem is that these younger kids simply don't know etiquette of a skate park. That's probably because their parents don't know the unwritten rules themselves. Why not talk to them all and that could fix a lot of issues? Be a leader. The park doesn't belong to them or to you guys. You never know, you may make some friends in the process. Instead you just come off as angry (and understandably so). The longer you hold it in the angrier you get. Gather those kids and explain to them some basic rules. They aren't doing it on purpose, they just don't know.
  • @emilsykut7245
    Today there was an accident in Poland in which a 16 years old boy lost his life. He was riding a BMX down a ramp where a little girl suddenly cut him of. The guy didn't want to harm her, so he made a sharp turn, lost control of the bike and hit a concrete bench with his head. He was quickly rushed to the hospital, but the paramedics were unable to save him. Please, learn from this story and don't take little kids on skatepark, take them to a normal park instead.
  • @webby3943
    The little girl in pink almost got bodied like 50 times
  • @alexgarner615
    The worst part is when the Snakes end up being polite and you can't get mad
  • @TheFatScot
    Man literally just shouted “who’s fetus is this?” Lol
  • @recreative6494
    I was once a skooter kids until i came across a sick as skateboarder, and since then i have became a wheelchair user 😎😎😎
  • @swimshi2584
    I’m surprised a Karen didn’t show up after swearing that much in front of that many children
  • @jaredcastel4268
    Going to a skate park is basically being judged most of the time
  • @bunifluffer
    “imma ollie over this little girl”
    “who’s fetus is this?”
  • At the skate park near me there is a age limit and you have to be at least 10+ or 13+ since alot of little kids kept getting injured.....
  • What I hate more than snakes are the parents who just let their 3yr old kids run loose, not pay attention and manage them, and then lose their shit on the person who accidentally plows them over because they either didn't see them or because the kid ran in front of them. I've seen so many toddlers and 5yr olds bodied ate skate parks because their parents take them there to use it as a playground, but never think to teach them the rules or etiquette of skateparks for safety reasons and manners
  • @yxrii__3087
    I remember there was this huge ramp and little kids where sliding down it as it were a slide, I asked all of them to please move out of the way because there is a lot of people doing tricks here. They responded with a VERY quiet OK and whent to the playground next to the skate park but after not even 2minutes returned to the ramp and I did not notice so I went over to do a trick and by the time I realised it was to late to stop as I could ran over a kid. I tumble into a kid that I had NICLEY AND CLEARLY TOLD TO NOT BE HERE AS IT IS DANGEROUS... I got a very big scar, needed stitches and my leg was fractured from hitting my scooter and the rail next to the ramp, the kid however just get a Tiny scratch. He started to cry. His mother who was not watching him ran up and started tu cuss and through hands at me, my friends tried to calm her down but did not succeed because of that woman no one believed what had happened and the mother started to tell lies and bad things about me. Eventually they left and an ambulance was called. I was just trying to protect the kids and be nice........
  • @User39462
    I love the fact that "the scooter guys" and "the skate guy" aren't fighting
  • What type of parent sees their kid almost get ran over by a full sized adult on a skateboard because they are obliviously in everyone's way, and doesn't interfere? Is the parent even there?? 💀💀💀
  • @Stardxst0
    Bro the 'Who fetus is this' part was funny as hell😂