Cold Calling 101: 13 Steps to Cold Calls That Work!

Published 2018-05-30
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Cold Calling Step #1: Cold calling can't hurt you.The first step to effective cold calling is to realize that cold calls aren’t going to hurt you. Many salespeople are so scared of potential rejection that they hold back when it comes to taking risks with cold calling.
Cold Calling Step #2: Make cold calling a game.Cold calling is about numbers. It’s about pushing through potential rejection until you ultimately get through to a prospect who’s a good fit, is willing to have a conversation with you, and might lead to a next step.                                
Cold Calling Step #3: Be willing to take risks.

I know it might seem like this step is repeating some earlier ideas, but it’s so important, I can’t emphasize this enough.
Cold Calling Step #4: Warm it up as much as possible.I don't mean get warmed up for the call; I mean warm up the actual cold calling interaction with the prospect as much as possible—before it happens.             
Cold Calling Step #5: Script out the entire call.I get more pushback on this idea than almost any other sales advice I give. So many salespeople tell me, “Oh, I don’t like to use a script. It makes me sound scripted.” My response is always the same.                                
Cold Calling Script #6: Know your first seven seconds cold.We don't often think about how we're initially introducing ourselves to prospects.                               
Cold Calling Step #7: The more you talk about you, the worse you do.The data shows that when salespeople talk about themselves or their own companies, they do significantly worse with prospects. The more you talk about yourself when cold calling, the worse you’ll do.
Cold Calling Step #8: Focus on the challenges you're seeing.During cold calling, one of the best ways to engage prospects in conversation is to focus on the challenges you're seeing in the marketplace. This will show that you have your finger on the pulse of what's actually happening.
Cold Calling Step #9: Engage them to start talking.As I said before, the more prospects start to talk in a meaningful way, the more likely they are to stay on the phone with you, and the most likely you are to schedule a next step that turns into a sale. While so many salespeople are focused on pitching whatever it is that they sell, they should instead be engaging prospects in a true dialogue.
Cold Calling Step #10: Dig into what's really going on.Once you’ve got the prospect talking, don’t go into pitch mode. When a prospect says, "Actually, one of the challenges we're dealing with is this," don't say, "Well, I've got the solution for you!"                                
Cold Calling Step #11: Get that next step locked in.This is the most important part of cold calling. You absolutely must establish a next step. I always ask salespeople, “What's the purpose of a prospecting call, or a cold call?” They respond, “To get a sale.” But that’s not true.
Cold Calling Step #12: Confirm the next step.When you get someone to agree to a meeting, while you're on the phone with them, send out a calendar invite. Make sure that it gets into their inbox, and that they accept the invite.
Cold Calling Step #13: Don't run away from the phone after each call.As I said before, cold calling is about numbers. It’s about making a lot of dials. The difference between cold calling that’s effective and cold calling that gets you nowhere is simply a matter of picking up the phone right after you hang up with your last prospect. Get right back onto the phone, dial the next number, and keep pushing through.
So, there you have it. Now you know Cold Calling 101, and you learned the 13 steps to cold calls that work. I want to hear from you. Which of these ideas did you find most useful? Be sure to share below in the comments sections to get involved in the conversation. If you enjoyed this, check out my free eBook on 25 tips to crush your sales goals.

All Comments (21)
  • 1 - They can't hurt you 2 - MAke it a game 3 - Be willing to take risks 4 - Warm it up as much as possible 5 - Script out the entire call 6 - Know your first 7 seconds cold 7 - The more you talk about yourself, the worse you do 8 - Focus on the challenges you're seeing 9 - Engage them to start talking 10 - Dig into what is really going on 11 - Get that next step locked in 12 - Confirm the next step 13 - Dont run away from the phone after each call
  • Some will, some won’t, so what. NEXT! I’m going to remember that💪🏾🙌🏾
  • to pick up the phone and start dialing. Don't procrastinate, just pick up the phone and get the reps in
  • @unitewithch
    After cold calling for IT services for over 10 years the #1 downside to cold calls is NOT Rejection, it's making X number of dial's daily and only getting maybe 1 or 2 people on the phone. Once you get that person on the phone, it's then having the mental energy to actually be able to have an intelligible conversation. Today, cold calling is an increased amount of work for much less payoff compared to even 5 years ago.
  • "Some will, Some won't. So what, Next." Probably the best advice I have gotten as someone who has been to nervous to start cold calling, Thanks!
  • @GilliMarieMoody
    Unlike resumes, cold calls actually get me work within 1-3 weeks(!).
  • @brothersvanhees
    Rather than worrying about the entire call going smoothly it really helps me just focusing on my opening going really well! That usually paves the way for a smooth chat with a prospect and seems less daunting
  • The script advice is great. You don't necessarily use every aspect of the script, but you do practice it and you do have it ready to go during the call so you can always keep your flow and momentum.
  • I can really relate to this video. Working in a small company which is only two years old; I am making a lot of cold calls- a lot. I enjoy it more now. I have gotten over my personal bias and negative beliefs. Research everything.....who, where, what, why, how, what is happening before calling if you have the time. Watch comedy before. Happiness, laughing , makes you smarter- neuroscience tip, and it works.
  • @MyTEEsharp1
    “When you’re not afraid of making that mistake, GOOD things happen!” Truer words have never been spoken! God Bless!
  • @Vinh1089
    I used your sales pitch techniques for an interview. The COO was so impressed I got an offer that day. They made their decision halfway through and said most sales people are not as interactive or engaging. I used the PowerPoint and then went to the whiteboard. They said they had no time to look at their phone and felt their concerns mattered. Thank You
  • @MEUProductions
    My job makes me book 5-7 sales visits per day, three times a week exclusively through cold calling over two days. It's brutal. This video gave me quite a bit of encouragement. Thank you.
  • @dakotamcree9310
    I never really realized, but the whole “they can’t hurt you” step really is all that stops me. If I can understand that, I’ll own it all :)
  • I’ve learned so many exciting tips from your videos. Thank you for your effort and content!
  • @martinmardov
    Hello, I've been in cold calling for many years. I agree to the following: 1. First impression 2. TALK to the prospect 3. Be on point 4. Follow the pitch 5.Get the prospect talking about himself 6. Number of calls 7. Get the next step confirmed
  • @ThierryHenry1
    Very good tips Mark. Don't stop calling until you get what you want. Use momentum because it s a number game. More call more chance to get a YES. 💯
  • @ChrisJCucchiara
    You are a consummate professional Marc! I really appreciate the value. This is my first video and received more value in this 20 minutes than I have in multiple hours of watching other videos. I appreciate you my friend. Chris
  • Absoloutely brilliant. Me and my team needed this. Back on top 💪🏻
  • @njstorozuk
    Just started today and it works. 2 leads in 3.5 hours of time and you know I wasn't calling the WHOLE time. So basically I'm here to learn how to triple these numbers